Assassination of Alekzander Yablo

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The assassination of Alekzander Yablo was one of the first of a series of international witchhunts conducted by the SRGIA to kill former leaders in the Sahren Civil War. The assassination took place on the 21st of Auhtafaél 2150.

Assassination of Alekzander Yablo

General Nature Death
Location Sahr
Venue(s) The Deathinator 5000
Attendance Ciaran-ula Cynazdin, Fionbhar Macalenev, Alekzander Yablo, one other unknown assassin.


Alekzander Yablo was a National Salvation party member, and political theorist involved in the Sahren Civil War. He played a significant role in the Siege of Slovale serving with the rank of Colonel. After the fall of Slovale to the Republican Guard he was unable to flee with the rest of the united front and instead fled to Phoenia with the intent to work with the South Sahrland Revolutionaries and kickstart the Phoenian-Sahren terror war.

Yablo was forced to flee Phoenia for Slen when it became clear Sahrland was intending to join them in unifying Aontas. Much is unknown about his time in Slen, as he generally kept a low profile and went by the pseudonym "Conrad Yablo". It is also unknown how the SRGIA discovered his whereabouts because the documents relating to this event were reported as missing only 3 years before they were slated to be declassified in Auhtafael of 2197.


Information about the assassination is based largely on witness testimony and the evidence left by the three assassins.

The assassination took place on the evening of the 21st of Auhtafael during a downpour had been going on for the entire day. According to information acquired in the interrogation of Fionbhar Macalenev, the three assassins happened to be in the same area as Yablo while they were exchanging information they had gathered. At that moment Fionbhar called out to him by name to verify by reaction if he was Yablo. When he faced his assailants, at least two of the assassins brandished bootleg machinepistols and shot him in the street. This part of Macalenev's testimony is generally accepted as it is backed up by witness testimonies of the area.

After this, the assassins made for the alleyways to escape into the low income areas of Slen in an attempt to destroy evidence of their involvement. One assassin was shot and injurred by the local police and chose to end his own life rather than be captured, later identified as Ciaran-ula Cynazdin. After this the two decided to split apart. To this day the other assassin's fate is unknown due to documentation loss. These events too are confirmed by testimonies of witnesses and police. By nightfall Macalenev was set burning documents and the clothes worn in the assassination while in a foreclosed residence used as one of the SRGIA safehouses. Here he was found by the police and attempted suicide but the gun misfired, allowing his capture.

Trial and Execution

As the only captured assassin of the event, Fionbhar Macalenev was the only source from which a confession could be produced. He confessed all of the following and added that he was a former Strecha member who had been made to join the SRGIA as part of the post civil war penal labour programme.

Standard practice of the time for murders was execution, but since he had both confessed and was supposedly forced into the position there was significant consideration for a more leniant sentence. Toward the end of the trial the Mayor of the city asserted pressure to make an example out of Macalenev, and so the verdict was public execution. He was publically hung on the third of Kamprazdnóir.


The event caused increased security across Slen, but not much else. World events at the time prevented any serious outcry over the SRGIA's blatant breaking of international standards, and attention in Sahrland for the event was largely nonexistant as media censorship laws were still in place.