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Novenad Flag.png
The national flag of Novenad
Motto "Snaga umiro inardu" - Strength in Peace and the People
Common Name Novenad
Anthem Zemlo Syetlost - Land of Light
Demonym Novenadian
Official languages Kalbanian, Tezan
Currency Novenadian Kinta
Capital Nrida
Government Hybrid Parliamentary-Representative Republic
Foundation 2164
Prime Minister Renata Kerman
Preceded by New Kalban Republic
Ethnicities 82.4% Kalban
14.6% Tezan
3% Other
Population 3,531,671
Area 32,241 km²

Novenad is a country in Veiid bordering the Baskay Sea to the east, Fortis to the south, Irsmuncast to the north, and Atreus to the west. The largest and capital city is Nrida. Novenad has a population of just over 3.5 million people, most of whom live in dense population centers situated in flatter areas. The majority of the population are ethnic Kalbanian. The official languages is Kalbanian though a part of the population speak Tezan; 92.3% and 6.6% of the population speak the first and latter respectively as their main language. Novenad has humid continental climate in the north, and subarctic to the south. Novenad is situated in a group of several large mountains, some of the tallest on Kerbin. It also has large fertile plains along the northern and western borders as well as along the Baskay, which form the core of agricultural production. Land cover outside of alpine areas is predominantly grassland and boreal forest.

Novenad is a hybrid representative-parliamentary republic and a successor state to the New Kalban Republic. The prime minister is elected directly by the people, and in turn appoints and oversees cabinet members who each oversee a portfolio (e.g. Defense, Finance, Education). The prime minister and cabinet have a 5 year term, after which another election is called. Every year a referendum is called to give citizens a chance to replace members of cabinet, including the prime minister. Laws are made by a unicameral General Assembly, consisting of 214 members elected by popular vote in constituencies. Novenad is a newly industrialized country, recovering from several decades of authoritarianism and war, with a growing economy and strong workforce. Notably, Novenad has a higher quality of life than many other comparable countries, thanks to minimal government corruption, universal healthcare, tertiary education, and high income equality. Novenad has a very well developed maritime and defense industry, with several major shipping companies. As of 2200, Novenad maintains an neutral but friendly policy, and is not part of any international alliances.


The name Novenad is a modernization of the Old Kerbian term Nova Nada for a “new beginning” or “new hope”, reflecting the desire to end the turmoil of the past centuries that was a core idea of the new nation. It was chosen by public referendum out of five other proposals in December 2162, and drafted in the new constitution in January 2163. Critics of the name state that it results from a mistranslation, attributing the proper root word to Tezan. Some claim the adoption of the modernized spelling disconnects the country from its past, and the root word should have been used.



Novenad is located in central Veiid, bordering Desovo, Atreus, Irsmuncast, and Fortis, sharing maritime borders with the latter two in the Baskay Sea. Most of the 32,241 km2 of Novenadian territory is dominated by the Karjina Mountain range, with 16 peaks above 4500 metres above sea level. The highest of these reaches 6144 metres, making it one of the tallest mountains on Kerbin. The capital Nrida is located at the mouth of the Nrida river, which extends from the Minor Baskay Bay inland to the base of Mt. Belgor.

The east and west of Novenad are separated by the Karjina mountain range, which forms a rough horseshoe through the center of the country. To the east and northeast, large fertile plains and valleys on the coast and to the north of the Karjinas give way to the forested mid-alpine regions. Moving westward past the Karjinas, the western steppe occupies the southwestern end of the country, alongside Mt. Bofne.





Urban Areas







Foreign Relations



Languages and Culture


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Energy and Infrastructure







The territory of modern Novenad has been inhabited since the late Paleolithic era, with organized agriculture-based civilizations beginning to form near the Nrida river around 20,000 BCE.

These relatively isolated nations were conquered by Galgus Kerm during his expansion through Veiid, forming the Baskay Empire circa 1300 BCE. The Baskay Empire eventually collapsed in 980 BCE, leaving its constituents in disarray for several centuries before they organized to form Kerbia and Mentonogro. Soon after being formed, the two states fell under the control of the Southern Mercantile Collective and Laythia and remained so until their collapse in 2020. Following this, Kerbia and Mentonogro formed the Kalban Union alongside Behian and Troak. This shortlived republic collapsed in 2034, and in 2045 Kerbia and Mentonogro united to form the Kalban States of Kerbia and Mentonogro. The KSKM lasted through major geopolitical pressures before succumbing to civil war following a coup in 2071. Arising from the instability was the SFRK, a totalitarian state that controlled much of the Kalbans from the late 2070s until its collapse in 2127 triggered one of the most destructive wars in the history of the Kalbans.

In 2138, a military backed government was put in power and immediately began attempting to restore living conditions in what was now the New Kalban Republic to modern standards. This government, led by Cmarko Supcic, instituted two programs lasting from 2138 to 2148 to restore SFRK era facilities. The first program was very successful, bringing the NKR back to the level of a developing nation. The second was cut short by an unexpected coup performed by Lovro Horvat, a high ranking official. Within 5 hours, all resisting elements of the NKR government had been crushed, and many officers including Cmarko Supcic were put to death.

By 2151, political repression and steadily decreasing living conditions birthed the Kalban People's Resistance, who began a guerilla campaign against Lovro's regime with the destruction of the Pekovia Air Force base in September of 2151. The resistance operated in cells throughout the country, focusing on military and government targets while quietly recruiting more of the population. Following the Belgrad Massacre, it is estimated almost half the population of the NKR were active members of the KPR.

The next 9 years from 2151 to 2160 is referred to as “The Red Revolution”, a period of particularly brutal fighting between the NKR military under Lovro Horvat and the KPR. The Red Revolution was characterized by the meticulous organization and strategy of the KPR, with surgical strikes against specific military targets utilizing the KPR’s ability to blend into the civilian population. Actions taken by the NKR government often only served to push more of the population to help the Resistance. The Red Revolution culminated in the KPR retaking the capital and capturing most of the high ranking officers of the Lovro Regime.

Simultaneously, several border wars with emerging Kalban states significantly altered the boundaries of the NKR. Following the capture of the capital, the Provisional Government of the NKR was put in place and began working to stabilize the nation, restore essential services, and establish a new democratic government. A major action during this time was the establishment of the National Strategic Enterprise Fund, designed to stimulate industries like defense, sustainable natural resource extraction, maritime, and energy. The NSEF directly led to the creation of companies like DeepBlue, Baskay Oil, and SAI Systems. Other actions taken include establishment of the Fortis-NKR Free Trade Zone (later Fortis-Novenad), pioneered by Lucija Berislav. This agreement was intended to open trade channels with the historically supportive, peaceful, and much richer nation. The Provisional Government also initiated the National Railways project, creating thousands of jobs and stimulating the construction industry. On the symbolic side, the National Identity Referendum was started in July 2161 to let the citizens of the NKR propose and decide on a new name and flag for the country. After two and a half years, the name Novenad was chosen along with the current flag. A week later in 2163, The Provisional Government of the NKR was dissolved in favour of the permanent Government of Novenad, and the first elections in over 20 years were held. A month later, Lovro Horvat and his senior officials were tried and found guilty of crimes against Kerbalkind, and exiled. The time since has been a period of stability and economic growth, with applauded democratic processes and a thriving industry base.

Notable Events


About The Flag

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