Larrean-Ikonic Super Highway

The Larrean-Ikonic Super Highway is a network of roads stretching across the Antarctic, measuring about 400 kilometers (249 miles) in total length. The road primarily links Southern Erus and the Beagan Archipelago in the United States of Larrea with southern Bastion in the Ikonic Federation, as well as connecting Ilishíra to Baskay-Caledon. The highway is intended as a universal transportation nexus, having extensive infrastructure for traffic, rail and shipping.
Traversing the highway is fraught with dangers. The extreme conditions are a constant threat to motorists, though some provisions are made for this in the form of emergency heating points every 10 km, and emergency telephones every 1.6 km. The highway is also a prime target for piracy. The Antarktische privateer league constantly marauds the network for valuable cargo and high-value hostages. To counteract the threat of piracy, large swathes of the highway are patrolled by aircraft from the Ikonic Air Force and the Larrean United Air Force on a constant basis. The respective navies also patrol the arctic coast where the highway is situated on, whenever ice formation is low.
The highway consists of an 8 automobile lanes and 6 railway tracks, which give the line a herculean carrying capacity. Forsetti Rail operates both high speed passenger lines as well as commercial shipping lines. Noteworthy is the ability to carry particularly huge cargo on the rail lines using the Special Advanced Rail Cargo System (SpARCS), which uses between two and three rail lines simultaneously to carry cargo ranging in size from wind turbine components to entire naval ships.
The project was proposed shortly after Larrea's acquisition of South Forsetti in the late 2180's. It was completed on May 5th, 2188, and was opened to the public in July of the same year. It is postulated that Sahrland secretly planted lobbyists in the transport industries of Ikonia and Larrea to approve the creation of the highway and route it past the Antarctic so that the pirate gangs would have more targets, and by extension benefit Sahrland.
In its existence, many small scale battles and skirmishes have been fought around the megastructure, between various differing factions. Despite this, the highway is still deemed as an economic benefit and essential transportation link due to the sheer quantity of freight that can be transported between the three nations.