Antarktische privateer league

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Antarktische privateer league
Antarktische kaperer republik
Motto "Luft vishye, i vishye, i vishye!" (Fly higher, and higher, and higher!)
Common Name Antarctic pirates
Anthem "Higher, and higher, and higher!"
Demonym Antarktic
Official languages Arcadi, Zokesian, Egercian, Tekkian, Spearkan
Currency booty!
Capital some igloo
Government de-facto republic
Foundation 2188
Preceded by about 2 penguins and 1 polar bear
Followed by n/a
Ethnicities pirates
Population 10,000,000
Area 69,420 km²

The Antarktische privateer league is a pirate republic on the south pole located between Ikonia and Larrea. Although it is not officially a republic, officials are appointed by popular votes following a pirate code.

It is generally believed the nation of Sahrland has secret connections to the league. These allegations are completely unfounded, untruthful, and unscientific and most certainly so far beyond truth they dissapear from the current era's paradigm. Most certainly.



pirate code.

Foreign Relations

The antarktische privateer league has not been recognized by any country on kerbin, and has been condemned .


The economy of the privateers has little restriction on practices and therefor acts as a free trade zone. Contraband retailers have significant influence in the nation as they can effectively remove evidence of how a piece of equipment was pilfered, allowing loot to be sold on international markets. The pirate code forbids certain practices like slavery however.



The unclaimed sections of the poles had long been a haven for disorganized small groups of disgraced exiles or raiders. In 2188 the Larrikonic Junnel and its subsequent infrastructure programmes brought much traffic, leading to a coalescance of ruffians and disgraced pilots from defunct organizations to gather in the region. Although legally these were international lands, de-facto they became an illegal nation of raiders, adopting their own pirate code soon after along with a flag.

Around this time several wars were underway along with several rearmament programs resulting in swarms of obsolete aircraft flooding the market, and soon ending up in possesion of the privateers.

golden age