War of the Egercias

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War of the Egercias

2122 - 2134
Location South Egercia
Result Medrarian-Kravsmadite defeat
Territorial Changes Phoenia and Sahrland gain land in Egercia. Sahr is recognized as a state for the first time.
Medraria (later)

Phoenian armed forces
Sahren Royal armed forces
Kravsmadite royal army
Medrarian royal army
something something
Casualties and Losses
something something

The War of the Egercias was a conflict between several Egercian city states and Phoenia from 2122 to 2134. The conflict saw the creation of a secure border with Sahrland and recognition as a legitimate state for the first time, along with securing farmland vital for the Phoenian economy.


The collapse of Aontas left a power vacuum in the Egercian region which had largely only been at peace because of Tekkian influence. For the first time in history a regional war in Egercia Was possible and skirmishes were breaking out across the various city-states that made up the area. The new Sahr state evolved from the Chevspendic horde was the most militaristic of all of these and sought to win a series of border conflicts and force the other Egercians to submit to their rule.

Battle of Sys

Placing a date on when conflict began is difficult as there was not an agreed border for many of these largley illegitimate microstates. The Battle of Sys is considered to be the point in which the raids escalated into warfare. Sys and the territory around it was disputed between Sahrland and Kravsmad, though in practice Sys was subjected to Kravsmadite laws and tarrifs. A Sahren border raid on Yablokuull 11th 2122 led by Vzvodkomandalik Sinclair Macrory completely routed the Kravsmadite garrison, partly aided by defectors giving intel to the Sahrens. Rather than retreat, Macrory's force held position and requested reinforcements. The action proved a massive spike in escalation and effectively locked both countries into a spiral towards open warfare.

Retreat of Kravsmad

After the Sahrens succesfully defended Sys and launched their own counteroffensive, the Kravsmadite army was forced to retreat. In lutzayu 2123 Klensthæl peacefully surrendered to Sahr, giving great morale and legitimacy boost to the Sahren Royal armed forces. By 2124 90% of Kravsmadite territory was owned by Sahrland and Miden Lavro II was placed as a ruler over the grand city of Klensagrad as a Sahren vassal for the new lands. The creation of this new title proved the Sahren intentions to annex the entirety of Egercia rather than negotiated peace.

Medrarian entry (2124-2128

As the Sahren advance continued toward the Medrarian border pressure was mounting on their leadership to get involved before Sahrland snowballed into dominating the Egercian region and potentially becoming a recognized state. Medraria entered the war in Aughtafael of 2124 and committed to an offensive to retake the Kravsmadite capital. The resulting Battle of Baile was the first strategic failure of the Sahren royal armed forces, and marked another turning point in the war.

From then on the Sahren strategy shifted to giving up land to buy time while inflicting as many casualties as possible. With conflict coming to a close in Phoenia, it became crucially important to hold on to manpower rather than territory.

=== Phoenian-Sahren counterattack === (2130-2134)

Foreign involvement
