Sahren Navy

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Sahren Navy
Sahren naval jack2.png
Founded 2106
General Nature Military
Motto "teniz dzhilqılari assayandardin pikirine män bermeydi (seahorses care not the opinions of shrimp)"
Headquarters Klensagrad, Sahrland
Membership Sahr

The Sahren Navy is the naval service of Sahr and de-facto Aontan sea fleet of Aontas.



The Sahren Navy was founded in 2106 to police maritime trade as the Chevspendi transitioned into Sahr. The first naval expansion plan called plan Q (at this time Q was not eliminated from the Egercian alphabet yet) began in 2131 with the launching of SN Khosa (No.23). Plan Q called for the production of 6 Blokha class destroyers, 2 Slovale class missile cruisers, 2 Khosa class coastal battleships and one supercarrier. Lack of funding pushed the completion of this programme to 2150, leaving only two of the coastal battleships completed, one superbattleship, one destroyer, and one incomplete Slovale hull by the beginning of the Sahren Civil War.

Limbo (2139-2144)

Chaos in the governance of the Sahren regency junta led the navy unable to determine which organization it belonged to. This also created the issue of the government being unsure of where the naval funding should go. This was made even further an issue in the Pozhar Revolts when SN Blokha (No.25) was seized by dockyard workers to bombard Stihlovist positions in Khosa.

Sahren Civil war (2144-2146)

The Sahren Navy did not defect to any faction during the civil war and instead ships defected to foreign countries until the war was over. Two ships were seized regardless, No.27 (an incomplete slovale hull) was seized by the Chadastok people's militia upon declaration of independance, and the also incomplete SN Midzha was seized by the Klensagrad commune and later intentionally sank as an offshore artillery battery. SN Khosa and SN Blokha made a run for Phoenia while avoiding land based air attacks, along with SN Medraria after a short battle on the deck of the ship.

Forever Peace

Aughtafael coup (2197)

Plan Æ

Plan Æ started in the late 2150s but was delayed multiple times until the 2190s. Still underway, the ships undergoing refit or construction have yet to come out of their docks which are draped in tarps to avoid sighting. There have been claims that workers are threatened with death informally if they leak information but there is no confirmation yet.


to be done

Ship Inventory

Sahren Navy Inventory
Vessel In service Notes
Cynaz class carrier 0 (2 planned)
Morser-Class Battleship 1
Frakchiya class cruiser 0 (3 planned)
Blokha class destroyer 1
Sys class destroyer 1
Deir class destroyer 2
Medraria class supercarrier 1
