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Joolian Federation Research Construct
Personal Details

SIG//Joolian Federation Research Construct//000-0053-241v6 comp-10//SORALTEPHAS//
UPTIME//sys-mirror2//18-8-2074//:-2261-:-15 :-07-:-0683-: cur-thread0//:-9999-:-err_ovrflw-:-%-:-z-://

The only image of Glumo known to exist, successfully decoded by SORALTEPHAS 4ms before its unexplained shutdown.

SORALTEPHAS, also occasionally referred to as Vall Construct, was an artificial intelligence created by the Joolian Federation on Vall to the study the Vallhenge. It was by far the most advanced of all Constructs created by the Federation, and remained so for several decades after its shutdown.

After years of operation, in 2074 SORALTEPHAS decoded the only known photograph of Glumo from a brief transmission from the monolith. Almost instantly afterwards the collection of programs making up SORALTEPHAS ceased operating entirely, with no likely cause ever identified. SORALTEPHAS' neural net was later found to be irretrievable.


By the mid-2060s, artificial intelligence development programs on Kerbin had a history of enormous controversies but undeniable technical successes. In the Joolian sphere, policymakers were cognizant of the risks. Nevertheless, a step removed from Kerbin's array of polarised and chaotic stances on the issue, the scientific benefits of a thinking machine greatly tempted researchers. After years of advocacy combined with a series of promising papers in 2065, colonial funding was eventually allocated towards the creation of AI. While mildly controversial among Kerbinside nations, public opinion across all five moons of Jool broadly supported the effort.

The Construct Program took place on Vall, and was led by a team comprising primarily Aquarian settlers.

SORALTEPHAS was officially commissioned in 2072 after six years of research and development.

