Korvet series

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Korvet series corvettes

National Origin Sahrland
Production History
Service History
Used By Sahr

The Korvet series is a class of coastal corvettes produced for the Sahren Coast Service. They all consist of subclasses marked by the year they were designed, but share so much similarities they are mostly considered the same class.


The Korvet series usually feature a main howitzer and a secondary armament between 20-40mm along with a two crew bridge. Total crew compliment can vary from 9-12. They also tend to have a top speed of 20 knotts and are well liked by their crews for their unusually smooth waterborn performance.



A type 2109 abandoned due to out of control fires, 2144

The Type-2109 Korvet was created to enforce law in Sahrland's territorial waters is 26 metres long, 9.5 metres in beam, can travel up to 22 knotts, and carries a compliment of 9. It's armament consists of a single 102mm howitzer and a secondary 20mm chaingun. It also differs from its sister designs by having a centreline mast rather than one offset to the right assymetrically.

Type-2133 steel shortage version

The Type-2133 neccesitated certain luxuries to be removed to grapple with a local steel shortage. Despite this they ended up larger and more powerful than their 2109 predescesors as many changes were desired. They became 28.6 metres long, 9.8 metres in beam, and their speed was lowered to 21 knotts. The secondary armament was also increased to 30mm and the mast was moved to the right to feature a new assymetric bridge design.


Post Sahren Civil War the Republicans founded the Sahren Coast Service and put into production new Korvet models to enforce the new government's maritime law. The compliment was increased to 11 and the secondary armament was once again increased to twin mount 37mm guns. These new changes lowered the speed to 20 knotts.

Type-2147 being refueled by an Abzalev Arrow


The 2188 revision featured only internal changes, increasing the overall survivability of the ship in case of disaster along with more modern machinery and a larger crew quarters.