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Novenad Flag.png
The national flag of Novenad, with a dove representing the aspiration to peace.
Motto "Snaga umiro inardu" - Strength in Peace and the People
Common Name Novenad
Anthem Zemlo Syetlost - Land of Light
Demonym Novenadian
Official languages Kalbanian, Tezan
Currency Novenadian Kinta
Capital Nrida
Government Hybrid Parliamentary-Representative Republic
Foundation 2164
Preceded by New Kalban Republic
Ethnicities 82.4% Kalban
14.6% Tezan
3% Other
Population 11,323,209
Area 31,124 km²

Novenad is a country in Veiid bordering the Baskay Sea to the east, Fortis to the south, Irsmuncast to the north, and Atreus to the west. The largest and capital city is Nrida. Novenad has a population of just over 11.3 million people, most of whom live in dense population centers situated in flatter areas. The majority of the population are ethnic Kalbanian. The official languages is Kalbanian though a part of the population speak Tezan; 92.3% and 6.6% of the population speak the first and latter respectively as their main language. Covering approximately 31,124 square kilometres,  Novenad’s climate is humid continental in the north, and subarctic to the south. Novenad is situated in a group of several large mountains, some of the tallest on Kerbin. It also has large fertile plains along the northern and western borders as well as along the Baskay, which form the core of Novenad’s agricultural production. Land cover outside of alpine areas is predominantly grassland and boreal forest.

Novenad is a hybrid representative-parliamentary republic and a successor state to the New Kalban Republic. The prime minister is elected directly by the people, and in turn appoints and oversees cabinet members who each oversee a portfolio (e.g. Defense, Finance, Education). The prime minister and cabinet have a 5 year term, after which another election is called. Every year a referendum is called to give citizens a chance to replace members of cabinet, including the prime minister. Laws are made by a unicameral General Assembly, consisting of 214 members elected by popular vote in constituencies. Novenad is a newly industrialized country, recovering from several decades of authoritarianism and war, with a growing economy and strong workforce. Notably, Novenad has a higher quality of life than many other comparable countries, thanks to minimal government corruption, universal healthcare, tertiary education, and high income equality. Novenad has a very well developed maritime and defence industry, with several major shipping companies. As of 2200, Novenad maintains an isolationist policy, and is not part of any international alliances.


The name Novenad is a modernization of the Old Kerbian term Nova Nada for a “new beginning” or “new hope”, referring to the desire to end the turmoil of the past centuries that was a core idea of the new nation. It was chosen by public referendum out of five other proposals in December 2162, and drafted in the new constitution in January 2163. Critics of the name state that it results from a mistranslation, attributing the proper root word to Tezan. Some claim the adoption of the modernized spelling disconnects the country from its past, and the root word should have been used.



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