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The Confederacy
of Bosmyth, North Zokesia, Carsodonia, Nuvastia, Arcovdonia, Juno, South Foresti, Sur-Krakain, Valenia, Puge-Tatar, Sahr-Bastia, Cythia, Vanadiya, Chikushinal, Bastio and Rhudbeal, Wo', Fish, and Bayconn and all other territories under His Magesty the Emperor Maximilian III of House Ward-Vikus, Regent of Southern Zokesia, Heir to the Throne of Emperor Drekevak, Lord of the Seas.
Confederacy Flag 512x256.png
Motto "Quantum Unitum Est"
Common Name The Confederacy
Anthem "Wardhelmus"
AZ2 Globe.png
Official languages Zokesian, Arcovi, Nuvastian, Bastian, Vanadian, Putaryan, Nautilane, Fenguan
Currency Zokesian Thaler
Capital Ezekielgrad
Government Federal Assembly
Foundation 2149
Preceded by Zokesia, Arcovdonia, Valenia, Schrschnell, Kothen, Cotmark, Juno, Bastia, Vanadia
Ethnicities Zokesian 77.5%
Iridian 11.2%
Ravnian 3.6%
Centresian 3.4%
Sanctumite 2.4%
Bravisan 0.7%
Baskian 0.2%
Population 30,603,828 (2149 Census)
Area 179,124 km² km²

The Confederacy of Kolus, sometimes known as The Arcovii-Zokesian Confederation or The Confederacy, is a multinational state consisting of loose confederation of nineteen member states under a united banner and trade sphere. It was formed in 2149 as a rekindling of the Federation of Arcovii-Zokesia 70 years prior, with looser ties and more individualistic approach to national defense than its predecessor.


AZ2 Relief.png


Zokesia's economy is built on its bountiful farmland. From Ezermont to Zok large swaths of countryside make Zokesia the breadbasket of Old Kolus. The cities are often the hub of cultural and commercial trade, with paved 2-lane highways stretching north to south connecting the large areas of Zokesia.    

Farming is primarily carried out by small communities or local families, operating modern technology which allows them to utilize large swaths of farmland. Food is sold to the commercial farmer's unions, which ship it along the highways to the cities for processing and distribution. the size of the farms usually mean small townships are formed away from the cities where groups of families live and commune to come together as a community, off the highways. Manufacturing and service industry dominate the northern cities. Designed to process exports south, these cities take raw materials and either ship them out or  turn them into parts, equipment, or exports. Here in the north coal, iron, and steel industries boom and the Oil reserves of Zokesia are located, allowing the factories to continue pumping out material for the people of Zokesia. It is here that Military Industry, and the bulk of the raw materials needed for the arms manufacture, is located.    

To the east, Juno houses the high tech development centers of military companies such as Ward Industries, Zokesia Skunkworks, and Extramus Military Techology. The deserts to the east are weapons test ranges and training centers.   

New Arcovy

New Arcovy in the south is a rolling bountiful plains of grassland, farmland, and hills. The southern cities are removed from the industrious north, and instead house a thriving service industry and medium-size industry. Fine art and trade professions ship goods out to the north and export out of the country. Trade from the northern cities flows through Zok and Esia to reach ports in the south, in both New Arcovy and Valeria, as well as the millions of Zokesians living in the Federal States. Zok and Esia's arts and goods travel far and wide as a result, and fetch high price outside Zokesia's borders.   

Cythia & Zentral

The crater region of Cythia has seen multiple failed governments spring up, until Zokesian homesteaders took root and began civilizing the land. Now thanks to the crater road, the area is well off, fishing and mining to produce a living wage for the people who live along the slopes of the Crater. Cythia is a sub-state of New Arcovy.   

Bravis, Dolren, and Bayconn Island

The Bravis Islands are the largest of the Overseas territories, the island group is just 25 Kilometers off of the coast of the Republic of Union. Fishing, herding, and small industry is what dominates the islands. There are two bases on the islands which maintain a static defense force of Federation units.

Dolren is an urban island given to Zokesia by Venmous following the civil war in that nation, ensuring the security of the thousands of Zokesians who live there.

Bayconn Island is the home of the Mariners, the people who lived on Fish Island before the Fish War came and destroyed their home and livelihood. They were emigrated by the NMC and allowed to live on Bayconn until the island was transferred to Zokesia in 2083.

Federal States

The Federal States of Zokesia are located south of the Zokesian border, and include Royal Kothen, Schrshnell, Juno, Cythia, the Bravis Islands, and Dolren City. These nations pledge economic and political support to Zokesia and answer directly to the Federal government. As long as the Republic of Zokesia acts lawfully and in accordance with the people the states are required to follow Zokesia's laws and edicts. The leaders of these states are hand picked and are loyal to the President. Elections are every 5 years with the President being decided by the winning party or parties should a coalition be required for majority.


The relationship of Puge-Tatar to Zokesia is unique in that they pay for the upkeep and production of Zokesian military units, in exchange for Zokesian protection and free trade. The nation has been sovereign since 2062, following their gaining of independence in the First Vanadian War against Sanctum.


The Kolus Union State, once a great nation spanning the deserts, crumbled in the late 2070s as Saguaro Rebels streamed southward into Vanadian territory. With the heart of the already overstretched Kolus Empire falling apart, many key members of the KUS government have elected to withdraw to break off as forces moved in on the vulnerable capital.The rapidly retreating forces in north Kolus left a power vacumn as the settled in the mountains east of Juno, where the Ordo Junii assisted them with rebuilding and defending their lands from the tribals. As the nation stabilized it began seeking support from Zokesia, who was more than glad to defend it in return for statehood in the Federation.



The Council of Confederacy is a Triumvirate of members states, usually Zokesia, Arcovdonia, and Nuvastia, which meet to decide national policy and directives for the Confederacy members. Unlike many central governments the Triumvirate is not elected and has no official power - its members are usually the presidents of the most powerful three nations in the Confederacy and are selected based on GDP overall, not popularity. Their job is to decide the economic, political, and military agendas of the major member states, and coerce the smaller nations to fall in line with the national policy of their larger states. The system ensures majority agreement among the nations that make the confederacy prosperous while ensuring unity at all turns.


The member states, while on paper all being free sovereign states, exercise different privlidges within the Confederacy. Smaller "Free City" states usually direct their own militia and domestic markets, but are subject to the larger nation's export and import laws and defense forces, which outstrip the small nations tenfold. The largest of the Confederate States, Zokesia, has traditionally excersized the most control over the Triumvirate and thus the military, political, and economic direction of the Confederacy.

Foreign Relations

Each nation in the Confederacy is free to do relations with other nations as they please, with the exception of foreign wars, embargos, and interventions. Vote must be held by the Confederate Triumvirate to allow these to occur.


Many languages are spoken throughout the Confederacy, posing a difficulty of cooperation and unity. For simplicity, the diplomatic language of the Confederacy is Aenian, as communication inside and outside the nation is facilitated easier.


The militaries of the Confederacy are the responsibility of each of its member states, and no formal unified force is officially paid for by the collective. The Articles of Confederation allow for one to be voted upon in dire circumstance by the Triumvirate in times of war.


The Confederacy members upon signing of the Articles of Confederation, 2149.
Officially Die Volkshalle Nationalversammlung Konföderierten or Confederate People’s National Assembly, was built in 2086 at the request of Francisco Grail for a united assembly building for the newly formed Arcovii-Zokesian Federation. Today, it serves as the seat of the Condederacy of Kolus in the center of Ezekialgrad

Restoration of the Confederacy

In 2149, following the restoration of the UIF as the rightful successor of Arcadia, Arcodovnian and Zokesian officials came together to tighten the bonds between their nations in the Zokesian Confederacy. A new draft of the Articles of Confederation were established, and were officially amended by unanimous vote in the Zokesian House of Lords and Arcodovnian Senate, to unite under a common banner. The nations of Zokesia, Schrschnell, Wardia, Drekevak, Juno, Arcovdonia, and Carsodonia united to form the Zokesian Confederation. Millions rejoiced as allready close ties on Kolus grow nearer.

Turmoil In the Desert

John Kallan Kurrman was the most esteemed politician in Zokesia in 2149. His knowledge and 30 years of experience in governance were immesurable - his two presidential terms influential and his leadership in times of strife and crisis steady as a lighthouse in a storm. But he was getting old. He felt that now, on the evening of the coronation of the new Arcovii-Zokesian Confederacy, it was time to announce retirement. In his farewell speech, he announced he would put his endorsement behind one of his closest political allies and proteges, Vice President Winslow Harding. The reigns of governance would continue down a bright future, he said, if the nation and the Zokesian Royal Party put their faith in Harding. The 2150 Elections resulted in a resounding victory by Harding, but from day one in office it was clear Harding was no carbon copy of John Kallan Kurrman. He immediately announced his support for all Kerbal Rights in Kafrica, issuing an ultimatum to Suid-Kafrica to solve its rampant race riots or face embargo. The resulting nation of Strelka-Grestinia was held together by duct tape and string, and it wasn't long before Chikusinal broke free as a refuge for Strelkans in Kafrica. Postwar military cutbacks also left much turmoil in the economic sector, and the unexpected pushback from Trans-Vanadian natives resistant to the Confederation put strain on the peace within Arcovii-Zokesia.

The most dramatic event by far the sudden and decisive termination of the entirety of Stahl Sieg operations. Leaving in the middle of the night, the most feared paramilitary force on Kerbin removed its presence in Kafica, sensing the writing on the wall with the new Grestinian-inclusive government, had elected their assets were more useful in other areas of the world. The immediate result was a massive strain on the Kafrican police, as rioting became worse and the economy began stumbling as a result of increased prices from goods shipped from Zokesia.

2155 Crisis

Winslow Harding's unpopularity began in the minor recession of 2152 when economic sanctions were placed on the Strait of Foresti to protect against terrorists trying to infiltrate Laveska. For Arcovii-Zokesia, this created negative relations with multiple nations as well as economic issues, as the tide of goods from Baskay was cutoff. To make matters worse, the use of the Stahlsieg in Trans-Vanadia angered many in the Confederacy and for a while it looked as if the nation would not hold together, as paramilitary teams swept house to house and village to village to suppress the vanadian tribals. In 2154, the Zokesian Green Party officially disbanded, and a more radical Arcovii-Zokesia-Socialista was immediately created following the combination of the old, liberal Greens and the farther left Sovie Worker's Party. Winslow Harding was urged by his cabinet members to declare this party dangerous and illegal given the history of socialist groups in Zokesia, however he decided to take no action and allow them to run in the 2155 elections, thinking their ideology was baseless.

What occured in the 2155 elections was nothing short of chaos. Unexpectedly, the socialists amassed 450% more votes than anticipated and took 40% of the general vote, to the Royal Party's just 26%. The Stahlpakt made a resurgence as well, splitting the conservative vote between the Royal Party and themselves, taking 20% and otherwize ruining a clear majority for the Royal Party. The Farmer's Coalition sided with the Royal Party as usual and only recieved 8% of the votes, roughly the same as the Carsodonian Liberal Party, which had made a niche championing worker's rights and conservative values of free trade and decency in Arcovdonia and Carsodonia with limited success. The Zokesian Royal Party was quick to claim fraud, as the Socialists appeared to win in counties with margins of upwards of 95% votes solely for their party. In Trans-Vanadia, Winslow Harding wasn't even on the ballot in some places and gross negligence of security left some nonpartisan groups claiming the electronic voting machines were old and just asking to be hacked by a foreign power.

Since no party acheived over 50% majority, according to the Zokesian Constitution, a coalition must be formed by the winning parties and a vote will be held for President on February 20th. It is unclear if the Socialists will be able to wrestle enough votes for a majority government or if the Stahlpakt will unite with the Royalists and Farmer's Coalition to usurp the socialists in the election. The results have caused unrest through multiple parts of Arcovii-Zokesia, and has highlighted the issues of the nation's domestic policy when so many demographics live under the same umbrella of democracy.

With the runoff vote deciding the fate of the Zokesian parliament, the current lame duck republicans have compromised with the Socialists to lock Stahlsieg out of power in Zokesia for five more years. Winslow Harding gave up the presidency to Mitchell O'Till, the old leader of the Zokesian Green party, a politican known to reach accross the aisle for dealmaking, and Winslow Harding assumed Chancellorship. The Stahlpakt walked out of parliament following the vote, and as a result lost nearly 50% of their seats to absentee votes.

The first order of buisness from Mitchell O'Till was to issue an ultimatum to Belka, to surrender the island of Soltem or face military consequences, following their repeated inablility to recover from the finantial crisis sweeping the nation. The "Imperialism" Of belka, according to O'Till, was nothing short of a second Orion Empire and must be stopped at all costs.

Zokesian Centennial Celebration

The nation of Bosmyth and Northern Zokesia was in celebration for the full month of February in 2157, for the 100th anniversary of Unification day - when the nations of Bosmyth and the governments of Northern Zokesia and Neo Zokesia united to form this great Republic. From every building on every street in every town, hamlet, and city of Zokesia, banners flew out - the Green, White, and Blue of the nation - adorned with banners from all woks of nation and province from whence the Zokeisan people hailed from - the streets of Bayl washed in light blue in Schrschnell colors, Arcovdonia, Carsodonia, and Vanadia all raised the Zokesian Jack over their state houses. In the capitol of Ezekielgrad, every car on the road displays a small Zokesian flag, and the colorful bunting of the nation's tricolor spans every upper floor of businesses', government buildings, and factory rooves.

Vintage fighter aircraft of Zokesia fly in formation during the centennial celebration, 2157.

In the cathedral in the center of old Ezekielgrad, where the unknown soldier lies, the heroes Francisco Grail and Admiral Fournloke are buried, and the documents of state are held beside the Altar of Freedom, there was much celebration. Thousands gathered inside to sing Zokesian hymns such as "Land of Hope and Glory", "Marching through Sanctum", and of course the anthem, "Zokesians Never Die". Their music rang out into the streets, and the largest military parade ever was held, with thousands of troops marching by in dedication to those who fought and died in the Zoke-Sovie War, the Doren war, the Arkadii-Zokesian war, the First and Second Great War, the Zokesian-Kroman war, the Nautilus Crisis, and the Reclaimation of North Point. Over the city each day flies hundreds of Zokeian fighters, bombers, and attack aircraft in tight formation - plumes of green, white, and blue smoke coming from aft as they fly by in Victory formations. The aircraft which have guarded the air for a century remain aloft for the ceremonies, as other historical aircraft including the GU-1 Gull, B-100 Blackout, Z-70 Valkyrie and Mallard M2 flew over select airshows. The modern defenders of the nation - the Kargadan, Kaminari, and Z-80- flew en mass from the airbases around Zokesia and offshore from the carrier Emperor Zeroth.

Every ship in Freetown harbor flew the battle flags of every color under the Zokesian flag - the warm water reflecting the green and blue of the flag perfectly. The Zokesian Northern Fleet, moored out in the bay, got up to steam, flying their colors past the counting house and Market Street, firing off a salute from their mighty guns for all the beachgoers to see, before turning and sailing west with a crowd of smaller yachts and sailboats wishing them fair sailing. The Empress herself, Magdalene I, was there to dedicate a wreath to those fallen in North Point. Her presence and beauty in the shipyards brought thousands, and her words of unity, promises of freedom and dedication of thanks to the people of Zokesia were heartfelt and broadcast to the entire Confederacy.

For a century, the upholding of the ideals which all Zokesians hold dear in their hearts - life, liberty, and freedom - has been the paramount goal of the Zokesian state. Through decades of diplomacy and conquest, the nation has expanded across Kolus, from the western coast of Ezekielgrad, where millenia of Zokesian culture has grown and risen, to the eastern fringes of untapped timber and oil reserves which supply the nations' mighty industrial cities. Towns that were mere hundreds of people at unification are now bustling cities, full of tech companies and fine art museums. Zok, the small village where the conflict for freedom began, is now tenfold as large, and the old battlefields which saw countless operations against rebels, bandits, and vagrants in the east have been brought to quell under the banner of Trans-Vanadia and Carsodonia. To the south, the principalities of Schrschnell and Kothen, once barren and fallow from the destruction caused by Sanctum, have become the model states, with the largest cities beginning to rival Zokesian cities themselves. The port of Schrschnell, once just a sandy beach in a cove, is now the largest shipyards on the continent, servicing hundreds of ships a month and providing unlimited trade to the rest of Kerbin. The now powerful nation of Arcovdonia, Zokesia's closest ally on the continent, built out of the ashes of strife and warfare, a shining beacon of democracy and mercentalism. The budding colony-state of South Foresti, from a barren steppe to a nation powerful and respectable in its own right. Sur-Krakain, Chikushinal, the states far abroad of Zokesia but whose people still fly the tricolor on the streets this month, remembering their heritage and Zokesian roots. Arvene, the youngest of the Federal States, bright and rising in status under Zokesia's careful, nurturing eye. The island of Bayconn in the north, the ancestral homeland of the Zokesians, is the most sacred archeological site of the entire nation - with prehistoric Zokesian structures still being visited by millions per year. All these places now rise and sing in one voice, the anthem of our nation! "Zokesians never die!"

For the rest of the world, the month of February may not have held special meaning. But to the millions living in Kolus under the protection of the Zokesian Tricolor, a special place in their hearts lies the month of February 2157. One hundred years the banner has waved, ever since it was first thrust above the little church in the center of Zok, where the brave volunteers swore independence and freedom was fought for and won by a few good men. The heroes of the Zoke-Sove war sparked the rise of the great Republic and shall forever be enshrined in the annals of our history. The thousands of years of Zokesian pride, nationality, and values carried forth for another centruy, another generation born and celebrated, another youth grown up to write their own chapter in the ever lengthening book of Zokesia's story. Long may Zokesia stand.

The Troubled 60s

The election turmoil of 2155 led many to believe the Confederacy was once again on a backslide, its alliances shifting with the new crisis forming around Belkan Soltem. As Mitchell O'Till had warned would happen should Belka annex Soltem, Zokesia was embargoing Belka and mutliple Veiid nations were backing them in solidarity, with the SFRK and Hartfordia counter-embargoing Zokesia as a result. The tensions rose for years untill in 2160, the sliding poll numbers of O'Till led to a fierce political debate with a newcomer to the political scene, Jack Fournloke Kurrman. Jack Kurrman was the son of the heroed president John Kallan Kurrman, and served honorably in the Zokesian Navy in the battle of North Point, where he steered his landing craft within a hundred meters of the enemy to bring the fight to the Arcadians. Now, his popularity and warm energy brought many former Green party voters over from the more radical Socialists, who were losing their footing and platform under party splits. Running for the Zokesian Royal Party as his father did, he won in a noticable fashion and aligned the new breakaway Greens to his side to form a coalition government to ease the tension accross Kolus.

Jack F. Kurrman, 2159

In 2162, under pressure from allies in the more hawkish Royal Party, Jack Kurrman greenlighted a plan to invade Soltem using refugees from the island and other former Imperial Union states to liberate the nation from Belkan influence. The invasion required Zokesian air support in the form of the Royal Navy, but at the last second Jack Kurrman decided it was too risky and feared all out war with Belka, and so denied the air support request. Unsurprisingly, the now infamous "Bay of Kromans" fiasco internationally humiliated Zokesia for a time, and were forced to continue the cold war against Belka that had been ongoing since 2155.

Not long after, Jack Kurrman was assasinated when his motorcade passed through Schrschnell on a visit to the state's capitol. The lone gunman was arrested, but before motive could be found he was in turn gunned down by Henry Greenheart, a pro-Jack Kurrman businessman who vowed to avenge his president. Jack Kurrman became the first Zokesian president to be assasinated in history. His Green Party Chancellor, Kerbolt Van Hart, took over and continued many of the policies Jack Kurrman envisioned, including a return to large scale space exploration and a quest to land on Eeloo before the end of the decade.

Burning Sands

The Pan-Vanadian experiment had failed horribly. In the years following the unification of the great Kolus desert by the Pan-Vanadian Commonwealth, the nation had experienced terrorist bombings, crime and corruption almost from its inception. The Pan-Vanadian government operated by local provincial leaders meeting in one Vanadian Council, but few could ever agree with one another. Those with oil and mineral rights horded them and refused to share with those less fortunate. Those with water shared but quickly became hostile when the oil and mineral producing governances attempted to seize rights through land buyouts. The great inter-government fighting reflected in the streets and cities of Pan-Vanadia, and as the 2160s waned, despite the efforts of the Zokesian government to solve or quell the strife, the Pan-Vanadian commonwealth slipped into tribal warfare once again.

Around 2164, similar strife occured in the Nuvastian Republic, with fighting breaking out for control between the pro-Aontas Bastian Confederacy and the Nuvastian ethnic majority. The fighting reached a boiling point in 2169 when a sinkhole caused by a suspected dirty bomb razed the Nuvastian capitol city, throwing the state into chaos.

Kerbolt Van Hart did not run for re-election in 2165, and was replaced by Zokesian Royal Party statesman and veteran General Thurmond Gratz took power.

Isolation and Growth

Contrary to the fears of many anti-Gratz politicians, the general did not pursue war with Belka or any of the nations it had embargoed. In a historic peace summit in 2167, the nations of Belka, Zokesia, and SFRK agreed on The Treaty of Soltem, in which Zokesia would stay in its sphere and relinquish patronage of Arvene in exchange for Belkan de-armament in Soltem. The power vacumn left in Zokesia's exit wake caused the nation of Arvene to enter a recession, and as SFRK and Belka wished, left it weak for conquest. Foran came to the aid of Arvene, but the war dragged on for years as Veiid broke down into full scale war. Zokesian cargo Albatrosses flew the last citizens out in 2169, marking the end of Zokesian influence in the region.

In the period following the Zokesian pullout in Arvene, focus was shifted toward spacefaring travel and scientific development. Leading this charge was the Zokesian Centrists, also known as the Cents, which first ran in 2170 and succeeded in achieving a 26% vote accross the Confederacy. General Gratz was still the President, but their ideological push toward non-interventionism and self-reliance led many to join their side, and as 2175 came about they won a narrow election, 44%-40% against the Zokesian Royal Party. In coalition together, and with Cent leader Goose Hillrole in charge, the Confederacy sought greater investment in its offworld colonies.

Sunset in the Desert

The Confederacy as of 2198.

The surviving members of the Royal House I'l Sil of Puge-Tatar returned to Wardia in 2179 to guide the troubled state in pushing back the violence that was stemming over the border from Pan-Vanadia. With funding from the Zokeisan central bank, the new Wardian Puge-Tatar hired the Stahlsieg once again at the lament of the Zokesians. The Stahlsieg enacted a great campaign of cleansing accross Nuvastia and Pan-Vanadia, initially sweeping accross the great deserts in five long years of fighting before ruling the provinces with an iron fist of terror, collecting taxes on bloody raids from town to town. By 2196, the state of Greater Puge-Tatar had been formed and stretched 50km east and 40 km north of its old borders, and its influence reached deep into the heart of the desert. On paper, the Zokesian Confederacy still controlled the Kolus desert, but many tribes answer to either the Stahlsieg, the Putaryans, or Zokesia, but are mutually exclusive. Trade convoys are armored and villages are walled to prevent raids, and much of the Zokesian national guard is stationed in the desert to keep trade open to key cities.

Zokesian Stars

The Federal Republic of Rhodes on Duna expanded tenfold in a decade, and the allready booming Wardian Korfu was becoming nearly as big in population as Zokesia herself. Now joined with the former Imperial Union colony on Minmus, Wardian Korfu became the center for mining, banking, and economic growth amongst the stars, the position of Wardian Korfu as the Confederacy's gateway to the stars saw it become the most advanced colony in the system, with shipyards and factories dotting every spot of land on the moon. vast Ice Factories shipped water offworld, and the other planets of the Sol system flourished on the new frozen currency. The Esian Principality of Eeloo was founded in 2188, leading to a new source of Ice and trade. Many hailed it as the "new Wardian Korfu" as it was seemingly the gateway to what lay beyond - the star systems outside of Sol herself.

The final elections before the end of the 22nd century saw the Zokeisan Royal Party take charge, following multiple terraforming attempts on Duna failed at the cost of trillions of Thalers. Midas Van Tollen was elected on a platform of reform and return to Kerbin-centric thought, as many issues back at home not least of all the Pan-Vanadian tribal conflicts spurring the vote in his favor. Following meager success, at the dawn of the 23rd century, the polls looked to swing away from the Royal Party once again. However, in an unexpected move, Prince Maximilian of Ward threw his hat in the ring, and taking a page from the famous Francisco Grail, "If Zokesia is to be, it will be not a World Power, but a Solar Power - Or not at all." With this, he quickly outlined a radical plan to modernize the remaining Kerbin territories of Zokesia to begin the transition to a truly spacefaring peoples. What his reign will do to realize this goal is unknown, but with the backing of Zokesia's longtime allies, anything could be possible as the nation enters this grand 23rd century.

About The Flag

Confederacy flag from 2149-2198
The Confederacy flag, 2198-Present

The Confederate Flag has representation from its majority nations, with the Zokesian symbol of House Ward emblazened in the center, the Bosmyth green and Wardian blue on the bottom. Initially the red and white stood for Arcovdonian unity, but the flag was revised after the reformation of the Confederacy and greater recognition of Nuvastia, with the style of its herald included from 2198 and onward.