Putaryan D'alawar

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Putaryan Samepo Sahaero D'alawar
Founded April 25th, 2065
Type Military
Headquarters Puge-Tatar

Roundel (Low Observable)
Aircraft flown
Attack AD-4, Z-90 Crusader
Fighter Z-80 Fox
Transport USH-62

The Puge-Tatar D'alawar (DAWR) is the air service branch of the Putaryan military.



After years of stagnation and economic collapse, the people of Vanadia's Western regions rose up and declared their independence. In the following Vanadian War, Sanctum forces retreated following the battle of Ethos Hill pending Operation Steel Sky. In the days following the battle the remaining rebellious forces in the north and south of Vanadia sued for peace with the government allowing for the creation of the Principality of Puge-Tatar.

Ba'allzat Offensive

10th SS. "Putarien" Z-80Q engages rebels in the deserts of Bastia, 2097.
Aircraft of the D'alawar, mid-2180s
Z-80E of the Puge-Tatar D'alawar flying with a Z-90 Crusader, 2186.

In 2097, the nation of Puge-Tatar, despite the rest of the Federation's neutrality in the Baskian crisis, threw its support for North Salvacion following concerns for the Putaryen populaton in the south. The force was funded by the Crown Prince Donuz I'l Sil and is personally led by his son, Taryets I'l Sil, and was at the time the only remaining Stahl Sieg unit actively recruiting volunteers, paid for by Puge-Tatar.

"Just as we defended our homeland two score ago, once again we will defend those who cannot defend themselves."

The forces of the Puge-Tatar D’alawar rolled into South RSS with little resistance, with the mercenaries hired by Nuvalka apparently recalled from their posts to mediate the invasion of Carsodonia. What Salvacion troops did show up placed their feet in the sand and dug in, throwing up a hasty but effective defensive line in the desert. The air force, however, was less than effective. Fielding Surnay surplus aircraft, many of which were not in flying condition, were scrambled to defend against the newer Z-80s of the Puge-Tatar D’alawar. In a series of air battles over the border, 6 Putaryan fighters were lost while fifteen of the enemy's were accounted for, leaving them with less than a dozen nonflying craft. Once the skies were clear, Z-90s flew in to strike strategic AAA sites, tanks, and any other targets of intrest. On the ground the Silk Skins and 10th. SS "Putaryans" struck with swift force, using long range rocket strikes to anniahlate masses of enemy armor and then advancing to finish the rest of the defenses off with lighter arms fire. Many troops of South RSS threw up their arms and surrendered at the sight of such awesome artillery, and by the end of the two week campaign the forces of the D’alawar had accomplished their goals in the first thrust; the capitol lay open and the rest of the nation was at their fingertips.

Sunset in the Desert

The surviving members of the Royal House I'l Sil of Puge-Tatar returned to Wardia in 2179 to guide the troubled state in pushing back the violence that was stemming over the border from Pan-Vanadia. With funding from the Zokeisan central bank, the new Wardian Puge-Tatar hired the Stahlsieg once again at the lament of the Zokesians. The D'alawar equipped itself with surplus aircraft from the region and fought a successful campaign to regain its old borders through counterinsurgency operations thanks to close air support.

By 2196, the state of Greater Puge-Tatar had been formed and stretched 50km east and 40 km north of its old borders, and its influence reached deep into the heart of the desert.


Four Attack squadrons divide the air force evenly - two consisting of 10 Z-80s and two of Z-90s. A fifth Special Attack Squadron is armed with AD-4 ground attack and COIN aircraft. The USH-62 transport helis are under the custody of the D'alawar's Eraso Azkarra or "Fast Strike" force.

Aircraft Inventory

Z-80E-BIS Fox - 20

Z-90 Crusader - 20

AD-4 - 10

USH-62 - 5

