Joolian Federation

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JoolFed • JF
The Joolian Federation
Founded 5th May, 2059
General Nature Extraplanetary Organisation
Motto “Ad Astra Per Aspera”
(Through Hardships to the Stars)
Headquarters Tropath, Laythe
Membership Mechani
Various associate states
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The Joolian Federation is an alliance of Solaria, Mechani, TEST, Basil, and Aquaria. It is unique in that its terms only apply within the SOI of Jool, making it the only extra-planetary alliance in the Kerbol System. It aims to keep the peace and support the colonisation and development of the Jool and its moons.




Formation and Early Colonisation

In 2059, after quiet buildup around the Joolian system and closed door talks, the nations of Solaria], Mechani, Basil and Krome declared the formation of the Joolian Coalition State. The Combined States of Aquaria, who had dispatched a colony ship to the system just weeks before the announcement, began negotiations with the JCS almost immediately and was quickly inducted as the fifth and final member.

The claim was opposed by some, most notably New Grestin. As the buzz from the formation settled down and settlements such as Fleetbase Nimos over Pol were established, it became increasingly clear that the Joolian SOI was not large enough to accommodate both the Coalition and its original settlers, but the two continued to coexist - until the crisis surrounding Comer and the resulting treaty. As Grestin was demilitarised, among the concessions drawn up was a mandate to turn over all holdings on Laythe to the JCS. Instead of continuing on the moon under the Coalition, the colonists instead conducted an exodus from the system, leaving the moon empty and the JCS in full control of Kerbol’s only gas giant and it’s satellites.


With the Coalition in full control of the system, efforts began to bolster both colonisation efforts and the SOI’s defences. The capital of Laythe Prime was established on an equatorial archipelago, the breathable atmosphere and pressure allowing colonists to roam the surface unencumbered with the suits needed on all other bodies except Kerbin. The Aquarian colony ship arrived after a two-and-a-half year journey, making landfall in the southern hemisphere of Vall, and discovering an ancient alien artefact at the site of the colony. The first trappings of multi-body economy - mining outposts, trade hubs, airspace control stations, coordinated shipping lanes, shipyards and relay satellite networks - began to emerge in the shadow of Jool. These promising developments encouraged larger and larger investments from the colonists’ parent nations on Kerbin, and more colony ships were rapidly commissioned by all five member states.

As Jool began to prosper, the first threat against it loomed. Several Wovian warships, dispatched within months of the JCS’ formation drew closer to the system, and the Mechani component of the growing combined fleet made ready to combat their impending assault. But over the span of the year long journey, the winds of politics shifted - after negotiations, Wo was instead accepted as the first ‘Associate’ of the JCS, granted the right to settle Jool’s moons, and the ships which had departed as enemies were welcomed as allies.