Holy Xynnian Order

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The Holy Xynnian Order emerged from the crucible of transformative change, forged by the convergence of faith, governance, and commerce in the once-familiar territory of Halco. This nascent entity bore the weight of a nation reborn, its name echoing with the resonance of divinity and purpose. Under the aegis of the Xynnian Church and the vigilant stewardship of the Divine Corporations, a new era dawned, promising both spiritual enlightenment and economic prosperity.

At the heart of this fledgling nation lay a delicate interplay between the ecclesiastical and the mercantile, where the Church's teachings on devotion to the God of Wealth found harmonious union with the enterprising spirit of the corporate world. Together, they formed the bedrock upon which the Holy Xynnian Order stood, an intricate tapestry of faith-driven industry and industrious faith. This balance, while offering the promise of unity and progress, also bore the potential for conflict and divergence, underscoring the delicate nature of this dual authority.

As the nation grappled with the complexities of its newfound identity, there remained a lingering undercurrent of dissent, a fragment of the past clamoring for restoration. The journey ahead was one fraught with challenges, as the Holy Xynnian Order sought to reconcile its diverse elements, forging a united front in pursuit of stability and prosperity. In this crucible of change, the nation embarked on a voyage of self-discovery, where the echoes of the past mingled with the fervent hopes for a future bathed in the radiant light of faith and enterprise.

Holy Xynnian Order
Motto "Orate et Benedicite"
Common Name Holy Xynnian Order
Anthem Benedictio Omnium
Denonym Halconian/Xynnian
Official languages Halconian-Xynnian
Currency Xenarius Aureus
Capital Occasio & Iustitia
Government Pars Ducitur Opes
Foundation 2112
Preceded by Halco
Followed by n/a
Ethnicities Halco-Xynnia
Population 13.9 Million
Area 54,823 km²


After the failure of the former government and the subsequent economic downturn, Halco finds itself at a crossroads, compelled to seek out alternative avenues that will illuminate a path towards a brighter future.

The nation's economy had been teetering on the brink of collapse for years. Mismanagement, corruption, and excessive government spending had resulted in a ballooning national debt, casting a long and foreboding shadow over the country's financial stability. The austerity measures imposed on the people, while deemed necessary by the ruling elite, led to widespread discontent, as the average citizen found themselves grappling with ever-tightening belts, struggling to make ends meet amidst rising costs and stagnant wages.

A web of corruption, intricately woven with scandals, embezzlement, and cronyism, had insidiously infiltrated every corner of the government, its tentacles reaching into the highest echelons of power. Beneath the weight of this pervasive corruption, the government's attempts at maintaining an illusion of integrity through cover-ups and a litany of false promises only succeeded in hastening the erosion of trust among the disillusioned populace.
The deteriorating economic prospects, marked by rising unemployment rates and stagnant wages, coupled with the increasing levels of political mismanagement and corruption scandals, have left citizens deeply dissatisfied with the current state of affairs in the government. This discontentment has ignited a fervent call for a change in leadership, as people yearn for a more effective and accountable administration that can address their pressing concerns and restore faith in the state.

Amidst this turmoil, a new organization was formed: The Xynnian Church. Emerging as a beacon of hope during a time of profound despair, the Xynnian Church promised salvation through unwavering faith, rigorous discipline, and a new economic order that alleviated the people’s suffering. Their teachings, which emphasized communal cooperation, ethical stewardship of resources, and spiritual enlightenment, resonated deeply with a disillusioned populace.

The Xynnian Church was a fervent religious institution that fervently preached unwavering devotion to the God of Wealth, an omnipotent deity-like entity embodying boundless prosperity and abundance. Followers firmly believed that the God of Wealth bestowed upon the faithful not only financial affluence and triumph but also an elevated sense of purpose and fulfillment, all attainable through the commitment to unwavering diligence and industriousness.

The Xynnian Church, driven by an unwavering faith in the God of Wealth, orchestrated the establishment of a multitude of enterprises known as the Divine Corporations. These extensive conglomerates spanned a wide spectrum, encompassing not only civilian ventures but also formidable military entities. In the wake of the crisis, numerous struggling businesses found themselves absorbed into the fold of these mighty corporations, their fortunes now intricately intertwined with the divine doctrines espoused by the Church. As the Divine Corporations proliferated, their sphere of influence expanded at an astonishing pace. It became evident that many individuals, grappling with the aftermath of the crisis, sought solace and salvation through devout labor within these corporate behemoths. The promise of not only financial stability, but also the prospect of spiritual fulfillment, lured countless souls to eagerly devote themselves to the relentless pursuit of prosperity under the auspices of the God of Wealth.

Initially met with skepticism, a significant number of Halconians gradually began to embrace the transformations, discerning in them a potential life line leading away from the depths of the economic abyss. They saw in these changes a glimmer of hope, a beacon guiding them towards a brighter, more prosperous future.

Under the guiding hand of the Xynnian Church and the industrious efforts of the Divine Corporations, the beleaguered economy slowly but steadily began to regain its former vigor. As the doctrines of the Church permeated every facet of economic life, a renewed sense of purpose and determination infused the workforce, propelling productivity to levels not seen in years. With the Divine Corporations at the forefront, their diversified ventures and strategic initiatives catalyzed a renaissance of commerce, sparking growth in sectors that had languished during the preceding crisis. Through disciplined stewardship and a resolute commitment to the principles of the God of Wealth, the wheels of the economy roared.

Embracing the ethos of the Xynnian Church, the societal landscape underwent a profound transformation. As the teachings of the Church took root, the once-escalating crime rates witnessed an unprecedented decline, replaced by a newfound sense of civic order and tranquility. Within the hearts of the masses, a profound solace emanated from their unwavering faith, firmly rooted in the belief that their burgeoning financial success stood as a direct and tangible testament to their devout allegiance to the God of Wealth. This fervent conviction infused every endeavor with a sense of purpose and determination, as individuals, driven by the promise of spiritual and material fulfillment, wholeheartedly embraced the principles that underpinned their newfound prosperity.

The Halconian identity underwent a profound transformation, with an unwavering commitment to the Wealth of God emerging as its foundational tenet. The fusion of religious iconography with the powerful symbolism of corporate entities became the hallmark of this new cultural paradigm, weaving a seamless tapestry that underscored the symbiotic relationship between faith and enterprise. Education, as the crucible of future generations, underwent a metamorphosis of its own, where a laser focus on economic principles and the veneration of the God of Wealth became the bedrock of pedagogical pursuit. Under the watchful eye of the Xynnian Church, the curriculum was meticulously shaped to ensure unwavering ideological alignment, thus nurturing a populace steeped in the ethos of divine prosperity and diligent labor.

The Xynnian Church, with its profound sway and devoted followers, commanded an impressive share of power within the ruling echelons, constituting nearly half of the governing body. As their spiritual authority permeated every aspect of governance, Halco seamlessly transitioned into a state that bore all the hallmarks of a theocracy. The Church's teachings and principles were no longer relegated to mere religious observance; they had become the bedrock upon which the nation's laws, policies, and decisions were constructed.

Corporations, constituting the remaining half of the government body, wielded their authority with near-impunity, exerting a pervasive influence that extended into every facet of the nation's economy. Their reach and power were so extensive that they effectively operated as the economic backbone of the state, their interests intricately interwoven with the machinery of governance. With a hand in everything from commerce and industry to finance and trade, these corporate entities held sway over production, distribution, and resource allocation, fundamentally shaping the economic landscape.

The intricate dance between government and corporate entities underscored an era where economic might and political authority operated in tandem, giving rise to a complex dynamic that defined the nation's trajectory. In this milieu, the balance of power between corporations and the governing body became a linchpin in the nation's socioeconomic fabric.

In the grand tapestry of transformation, the final thread to be woven was the very name of the nation itself. Swiftly and resolutely, the government made its proclamation, officially decreeing the renaming of the nation to the distinguished appellation of the: "Holy Xynnian Order."


The government of the Holy Xynnian Order is a fusion of religious and corporate authority, where spiritual doctrine and economic enterprise intertwine to govern the nation. At its core lies a delicate balance between the Xynnian Church and the Divine Corporations, two influential pillars that shape the nation's policies and direction.

1. The Xynnian Church: This ecclesiastical institution holds significant sway in the governance of Xynnia. It centers around the veneration of the God of Wealth, a deity representing prosperity and abundance. The Church's teachings emphasize devotion, hard work, and the pursuit of economic success as a means of spiritual fulfillment. Clergy members play pivotal roles in guiding the faithful and interpreting divine will, often influencing key decisions in matters of state.

2. The Divine Corporations: Comprising powerful conglomerates, the Divine Corporations are economic entities that operate in various sectors, ranging from commerce and industry to finance and trade. They wield immense influence over the nation's economy, often influencing policies and decisions related to production, distribution, and resource allocation. Their role is pivotal in driving economic growth and prosperity.

3. Government Structure: The Holy Xynnian Order employs a hybrid governance model, where representatives from both the Church and the Divine Corporations form a collaborative body responsible for decision-making. This dual authority structure reflects the intricate relationship between faith and commerce in shaping the nation's trajectory.

4. Ongoing Transformation: The government of Xynnia is still in the process of solidifying its identity and navigating the challenges inherent in this blend of religious and corporate authority. The nation's leaders work tirelessly to strike a balance that fosters stability, prosperity, and spiritual fulfillment for its citizens.

5. Challenges and Synergies: While the partnership between the Church and the Corporations offers the potential for united action and progress, it also carries the risk of division and conflicting interests. Achieving a harmonious synergy between these two influential entities is crucial for maintaining stability and ensuring that their combined influence serves the best interests of the nation.

6. Foreign Relations: The Holy Xynnian Order navigates its interactions with foreign nations with a renewed sense of purpose. Reestablishing diplomatic ties and forging alliances is a priority, as the nation seeks to redefine its position on the global stage.

Overall, the government of the Holy Xynnian Order represents a distinctive experiment in governance, where faith and commerce coalesce to shape the nation's destiny. The Holy Xynnian Order stands as a testament to the potential for innovative approaches to governance in an ever-evolving world.


In the Holy Xynnian Order, the economy is maintained by a combination of faith, industry, and governance. Rooted in the teachings of the Xynnian Church and steered by the guiding hand of the Divine Corporations, the economic system is a blend of religious devotion and corporate enterprise.

1. The God of Wealth's Influence: Central to the economic ethos of the Holy Xynnian Order is the veneration of the God of Wealth. Citizens are encouraged to view their labor as a form of worship, believing that by working diligently and with unwavering commitment, they can attract the blessings of prosperity and success bestowed by this divine entity. The God of Wealth serves as both a spiritual guide and an economic motivator, shaping the work ethic and aspirations of the populace.

2. Corporate Dominance: The Divine Corporations play a pivotal role in the economic landscape of the Holy Xynnian Order. These conglomerates, comprising various industries and sectors, are entrusted with the responsibility of driving economic growth and development. Each corporation operates within a framework of loyalty to the Church's doctrines and values, seeking not only profit but also the greater good of the nation.

3. Collaboration and Regulation: While corporations are instrumental in generating wealth, they are also subject to careful oversight and regulation by the government. The state acts as a steward, ensuring that corporate interests align with the broader goals of the Holy Xynnian Order. Collaborative endeavors between the Church, corporations, and the government are encouraged to maintain a harmonious economic balance.

4. Innovation and Technological Advancement: The Holy Xynnian Order recognizes the importance of technological progress in maintaining economic vitality. Research and development are actively supported, with the aim of advancing industry and ensuring the nation remains competitive on the global stage.

In the Holy Xynnian Order, the economy is not merely a means to an end but a profound expression of faith and a vehicle for societal advancement. It is a blend of spiritual devotion, corporate innovation, and collective welfare, where the pursuit of wealth is not divorced from the pursuit of the divine, and the two are harmoniously intertwined for the betterment of the nation.


The Holy Xynnian Order embodies a balance between collective unity and the preservation of individuality within the state. This delicate equilibrium is central to the nation's identity and governance structure.

1. Collective Identity Through Shared Values: The Xynnian Church and the Divine Corporations provide a unifying framework for the nation. They offer a set of core values and principles that bind citizens together, emphasizing concepts such as faith, industriousness, and prosperity. These shared values create a cohesive collective identity that underpins the nation's unity.

2. Respect for Diverse Perspectives: Despite the strong collective identity, the Holy Xynnian Order recognizes the importance of diverse perspectives and opinions within its borders. Citizens are encouraged to express their individual beliefs, values, and aspirations. This respect for diversity fosters an environment where different voices are heard and valued.

3. Mixed-centralized Governance: The Holy Xynnian Order employs a decentralized governance model that empowers local communities and regions. This allows for a degree of self-governance and decision-making at the local level. It enables communities to tailor policies and initiatives to their specific needs and preferences, preserving their individuality.

4. Economic Diversity and Opportunity: The Divine Corporations, while powerful, also play a role in preserving individuality. They encompass a diverse range of industries and sectors, offering citizens opportunities to pursue various economic endeavors. This economic diversity allows for the expression of individual talents, skills, and aspirations.

5. Religious Pluralism: While the Xynnian Church is a dominant religious institution, it recognizes and respects other faiths within the nation. Citizens are free to practice their own religious beliefs, further affirming the value placed on individual spiritual expression.

6. Cultural Expression: The Holy Xynnian Order celebrates cultural diversity and encourages the preservation of cultural traditions and practices. This recognition of diverse cultural identities contributes to the overall tapestry of the nation.

7. Personal Growth and Development: The nation places a strong emphasis on personal development and growth. Citizens are encouraged to pursue education, skills development, and creative endeavors. This focus on personal empowerment reinforces the value of individuality.

8. Balanced National Identity: Ultimately, the Holy Xynnian Order strives to achieve a balanced national identity that harmonizes collective purpose with individual fulfillment. It recognizes that a thriving nation is one where citizens feel a sense of belonging and purpose while also having the freedom to express their unique identities.

Old Sympathies

Amidst the Holy Xynnian Order's undeniable sway over its territories, a persistent challenge endures—the steadfast presence of sympathizers for the erstwhile Halconian state. These individuals, bound by a deep-seated allegiance to the bygone regime, form a complex network of loyalties and allegiances that staunchly resist the sweeping tide of change. Their existence serves as a poignant reminder of the intricate nature of the nation's transition, where the echoes of the past intermingle with the fervent hopes for a future steeped in harmony and progress, guided by the benevolent influence of the Xynnian Church and the resolute hand of the Divine Corporations.

As the Holy Xynnian Order endeavors to strengthen its grip on power and foster a sense of unity among its diverse populace, addressing this segment of the population emerges as a pivotal step. It is a task that calls for astute diplomacy, patient outreach, and a nuanced understanding of the complexities at play. By bridging the divide between the old and the new, the nation seeks to forge a more cohesive and harmonious society, one poised to embrace a future that holds the promise of stability, prosperity, and collective well-being for all its citizens.



Occasio and Iustitia

Following the sweeping transformations that reshaped the nation, the government took a bold step towards establishing a new foundation for its future by commissioning the construction of two distinct capitals: Occasio, meaning "Opportunity," in the east, and Iusititia, meaning "Justice," in the west. Each city was meticulously designed to mirror the ethos and values of its respective controlling entity. Occasio, situated in the eastern reaches, emerged as a vibrant metropolis firmly under the sway of the corporate sector. Its skyline boasted towering edifices, emblematic of the industrious spirit that coursed through its bustling streets.

In contrast, Iusititia, nestled in the western expanse, stood as a testament to the unwavering influence of the Church. Here, spires and domes graced the horizon, each architectural marvel a testament to the sacred devotion that infused every stone and mortar. The city exuded an air of sanctity, with grand cathedrals and places of worship serving as the spiritual heart of the community.

Despite the distinct ideological underpinnings that defined each capital, they were intimately bound by a shared destiny. Both cities were linked by a sophisticated network of economic and political connections, representing the epicenter of their respective parties within the government. This interdependence forged a delicate balance, where the synergy between Occasio's corporate dynamism and Iusititia's spiritual fervor became the crucible from which the nation's future would be forged. Together, these two capitals embodied the duality and dynamism that propelled the Holy Xynnian Order forward into a new era of promise and potential.

The Constituent States

During the Holy Xynnian Order's ascent to power, the integration of constituent states was a multifaceted process, marked by a combination of diplomacy, strategic maneuvering, and, in some cases, force. Here is an overview of the methods employed:

1. Diplomatic Integration: In certain regions, the Holy Xynnian Order's leadership employed diplomatic overtures to win the support and cooperation of local governments and influential figures. They offered incentives, assurances of stability, and opportunities for participation in the new government structure. This approach aimed to create a sense of partnership and collaboration, fostering a smoother transition.

2. Economic Partnership: The Holy Xynnian Order leveraged the economic influence of the Divine Corporations to entice states into alignment. Economic incentives, such as investment, infrastructure development, and access to corporate resources, were extended to regions that chose to align themselves with the emerging power. This helped to demonstrate the tangible benefits of integration.

3.Strategic Alliances: In some cases, the Holy Xynnian Order formed strategic alliances with key states or factions. These alliances may have shared a common interest, such as countering external threats, stabilizing a volatile region, or bolstering economic cooperation. Such alliances helped to secure the allegiance of certain states and regions.

4. Military Action: In instances where states were resistant or posed a threat to the Holy Xynnian Order's consolidation of power, military force may have been employed. This could include campaigns to pacify opposition or establish control over regions that resisted integration. Military action was typically a last resort, used when diplomatic efforts proved unsuccessful.

Despite the Order's successes in integrating most constituent states, some regions may still harbor sympathies for the previous government. This lingering sentiment could be attributed to various factors:

1. Historical Ties: Some regions may have longstanding historical, cultural, or social ties to the previous government. These connections can be deeply ingrained and may persist even after a change in leadership.

2. Residual Grievances: Certain segments of the population may have lingering grievances, real or perceived, from the transition period. These could stem from economic changes, social shifts, or other consequences of the transition to the Holy Xynnian Order.

3. Ideological Differences: Regions with strong ideological attachments to the previous government may find it difficult to fully embrace the new order. Differences in political or religious beliefs can contribute to lingering sympathies for the previous regime.

4. Economic Disparities: In some cases, regions that experienced economic hardships or disparities as a result of the transition may be more inclined to harbor sympathies for the previous government.

Addressing these lingering sympathies requires a delicate and nuanced approach. The Holy Xynnian Order may implement policies aimed at reconciliation, economic development, and social integration to gradually bridge the gap and foster a sense of unity and shared purpose among all constituent states.

About The Flag


The flag of the Holy Xynnian Order unfurls with a tranquil blue-green expanse, a hue that serves as a vivid symbol of the nation's devout adherence to the teachings of the Xynnian Church. At its heart, a resplendent cross stands tall, its arms outstretched in a testament to unity and collective purpose. This sacred emblem embodies the unbreakable bond that binds the faithful citizens of the Holy Xynnian Order together in their shared pursuit of a prosperous and harmonious future.

In the middle of the cross soars a majestic eagle, its wings outspread in a powerful display of strength and vitality. This regal avian creature is an emblem of the nation's resolute journey towards economic prosperity and spiritual enlightenment. It gazes forward with unwavering determination, a sentinel of hope and ambition, promising to guide the Holy Xynnian Order towards greater heights of success and fulfillment.

This flag, with its vivid symbolism and profound significance, serves as a rallying point for the citizens of the Holy Xynnian Order, a visual representation of their collective identity and shared aspirations. It is a banner that waves high, casting a beacon of inspiration and unity across the nation, reminding all who behold it of the unwavering commitment to the intertwined values of faith, prosperity, and unity that define the essence of the Holy Xynnian Order.