VAE Shipyards

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VAE Shipyards

Industry Marine, Aerospace, Defence
Headquaters Windsteer, Imperial Union
Area Served Global

Founded 2153
CEO Liam Ackson
Subsidiaries Abyssal Shipyard Exports, Vocavium Shipbuilding Department, Wagner&Co. Electronics
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VAE Shipyards is a multinational marine, aerospace, electronic and defence company, based in Windsteer, Vocavium. As of 2200, VAE Shipyards is the largest corporation in Kafrica.


The corporation traces its heritage to multiple Vocavian and Westrayan defence contractors of the 21st and 22nd century, including industry giants such as the VSD (Vocavian Shipbuilding Department). Due to the greatly respectable heritage and history behind the corporations, there existed an unofficial quasi-agreement between the Imperial Government and the corporations to prohibit forceful government-backed mergers and to preserve their existing identities. However, the dreaded 2152 Orion Financial Crisis devastated not only the local Orion economy but the greater Imperial Union, more than halving market value in some cases and placing many smaller corporations at the brink of bankruptcy.

In 2153, the industry giant Westray Aircraft Corporation filed Class A bankruptcy, becoming a fully government owned enterprise starting from 2154. The unexpected collapse of the corporation sparked fears throughout Imperial defence contractors, resulting in further collapse on WSE (Westray Stock Exchange) and VEG (Vocavium Exchange Group). By the April of 2153, it was obvious to many that without government or foreign buyout the Imperial Union's Military-Industrial Complex may collapse overnight.

In order to prevent further financial collapse from mass unemployment or a defence vulnerability, newly appointed Prime Minsiter Ackhoven instituted the Defence Merger Act in May, 2153. The Merger Act outlined forced merges of Vocavium Shipbuilding Department, Abyssal Shipyard Exports, Wagner & co Electronics and the state-owned Imperial Shipbuilding, as well as acquisitions of other aerospace and defence corporations by either government agencies or government-subsidised corporations. In the July of 2153, the newly merged corporation emerged as VAE Shipyards Inc, with primary headquarters in Windsteer and major branch offices in Orion, Celeste and Westray.

Logo of the VAE subsidairy: Abyssal Shipyward Exports


VAE Shipyards is the de-facto producer of Imperial Naval vessels as well as being a significant shareholder in the electronic and information-security industries. The company is best known however for the production of many modern IRN combat vessels, namely the: