Infobox for Nations
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
Nation name | nation | no description | String | required |
Localized name | localized_name | The nation's name in its main language | String | suggested |
Flag | flag | no description | File | required |
Flag description | flagdesc | A short description of the flag's features | String | suggested |
Motto | motto | The nation's motto, if any | String | suggested |
Full name | full_name | The full version of the nation's name | String | required |
Anthem | anthem | The nation's current anthem, if any | String | suggested |
Map | map | A map of the nation with its main features | File | required |
Map description | mapdesc | An optional commentary about the map | String | suggested |
Denonym | denonym | The qualificative used to refer to inhabitants of this nation | String | optional |
Official languages | languages | Languages spoken in the nation | String | required |
National Currency | currency | Name of the currency used in the nation | String | required |
Capital City | capital | The Nations seat(s) of government | String | optional |
Government | government | The current type of government in place | String | required |
Foundation | foundation | When the nation was founded | Date | required |
Leader title | leader_title | The title used for the nation's leader (eg, President)
| String | optional |
Leader | leader | The current leader in place
| String | optional |
Secondary leader title | pm_title | The nation's secondary leader's title, eg, Prime Minister
| String | optional |
Secondary leader's name | pm_name | The secondary leader's (Prime Minister) name
| String | optional |
Predecessor | predecessor | The nation(s) which preceded the current one, either by inheritance or by area. | String | optional |
Successor | successor | The nation(s) which succeeded to this one, if any. | Unknown | optional |
Ethnicity | ethnicity | The main ethnicities represented in the nation's population | String | required |
Population | population | The current population figure | Number | required |
Area | area | The area of all territorial possessions owned by the nation | Number | optional |