List of Zokesian Monarchs

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This list of kings and reigning queens of the Kingdom of Zokesia begins with Ezekiel the Great, who initially ruled Zokes, one of the seven Zoke-Keystones-Cirran kingdoms which later made up modern Zokesia. Ward styled himself king of the Zoke-Keystones-Cirrans from about 986, and while he was not the first king to claim to rule all of the Zokesians, his rule represents the start of the first unbroken line of kings to rule the whole of Zokesia, the House of Zokes.

Arguments are made for a few different kings thought to have controlled enough Zoke-Keystones kingdoms to be deemed the first king of Zokesia. For example, Krator of North Kjolsen and Eric of Bogen are sometimes described as kings of Zokesia by popular writers, but it is no longer the majority view of historians that their wide dominions are part of a process leading to a unified Zokesia. Historian Kimon Seynes states, for example, that "Krator was driven by a lust for power, not a vision of Zokesian unity; and what he left was a reputation, not a legacy." This refers to a period in the late 8th century when Krator achieved a dominance over many of the kingdoms of Zokesia, but this did not survive his death in 796. Likewise, in 829 Eric of Bogen conquered Notilian, but he soon lost control of it.

House of Zokes (986–1120)

Name Reign Notes
Ezekiel The Great(King of Zokes from 971) c. 986 – 16 September 1028 (57 years) Founded Ezekialgrad and invested in construction of Ward College
Tog The Elder 16 September 1028 – 11 August 1050 (22 years)
Tog II 11 August 1050 – 4 July 1069 (19 years) Eradicated the barbarian warlords of North Kjolsen (Modern Day KRATOR)
Ælla the Fair 4 July 1069 – 23 October 1076 (7 years) Queen of Tog II and regent for Debulist I
Debulist I 23 October 1076 – 12 January 1120 (43 years) Set in motion profound developments of peacetime technology, setting a standard of quality in living for the people of Zokesia
Debulist II 12 January 1120 – 14 October 1120 (276 days)

Disputed Claimant (House of Bogen)

Name Reign Notes
Debulist III 14 October 1120 – 25 December 1120 (72 days)

House of Ward (1120–1484)

Following the death of King Debulist I, several rival claimants to the Zokesian throne emerged. Among them were Debulist II (recognised as king by the Bosmynthians after the death of Codal Dainbrudge), Hallon Halcodrada (King of Halco who claimed to be the rightful heir of the Crater) and Duke Cira II of Ward. Hallon and Cira both invaded separately in 1120. Debulist II successfully repelled the invasion by Hallon, but ultimately lost the throne of Zokesia to Cira the Conquerer.

After the Battle of Hochland on 14 October 1120, Cira the Conqueror made permanent the recent removal of the capital from Zoke to Ezekialgrad. Following the death of Debulist II at Hochland, the Zoke-Keystones-Cirran Jordoc elected as king Debulist III, the son of Bonson the Exile and great-grandson of Eric of Bogen. The young monarch was unable to resist the invaders and was never crowned. Cira was crowned King Cira I of Zokesia on Christmas Day 1120, in Westminster Abbey, and is today known as William the Conqueror, William the Bastard or William I.

Name Reign Notes
Cira The Conquerer 25 December 1120 – 2 June 1184 (64 years) Expanded Zokesia into Kolus, as far as present-day Bastia and Surnay in the east and Nautilus in the west
George I 2 June 1184 – 1 November 1198 (14 years)
Cira II 1 November 1198 – 27 August 1242 (44 years)
George II 27 August 1242 – 9 January 1278 (36 years) Expanded into nothern Kolus, establishing trade routes with the tribes to the north
George III 9 January 1278 – 17 February 1299 (21 years) Led the first invasion of the Southern Isles (present day Angvarden). Died in battle on Inselfrei
George IV 17 February 1299 – 30 July 1323 (24 years) Led the second invasion of the Southern Isles, successfully conquering it
George V 12 January 1412 – 2nd June 1484 (72 years) Married the Princess of Krakain, uniting the two nations. First Zokesian King to hold the title of Emperor.

House of Ward (1120–1484)

Following the death of King Debulist I, the