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Founded July 4th, 2082
General Nature Occult Intelligence Agency
Headquarters Zokesia (formerly), Chikushinal, Nautilus
SS.Obersturmbanführer Kotter Skorzeny

The Kahnenerbe is a Stahl Sieg pseudo-scientific organization which was active in Zokesia from 2082 to present. It was established by German Hoering in July 2082 as a Blutguard appendage devoted to the task of promoting the doctrines espoused by Fransico Grail and the Stahlpakt. The Kahnenerbe was composed of scholars and scientists from a broad range of academic disciplines and retrieved and studied various anomalous artifacts on Kerbin.

Grail became Chancellor of Zokesia in 2080, and transformed the country into a one-party state governed as a dictatorship under the control of the Stahlpakt. He espoused the idea that the Zokeisan people were descended from the Kjolsen race which, Grail claimed in contrast to established academic understandings, had invented most major developments in human history, such as agriculture, art, and writing. The majority of the world's scholarly community did not accept this, and the Stahlpakt established the Kahnenerbe in order to provide evidence for Stahlpakt racial theories and to promote these ideas to the Zokesian public. Kahnenerbe scholars interpreted evidence to fit Grail's beliefs, and some consciously fabricated evidence in order to do so. The organization sent expeditions to other parts of the world, intent on finding evidence of historical Kjolsen expansion.

The government of Zokesia used the organization's research to justify many of their policies, including the firing of Gotterdamerung. Stahlpakt propaganda also cited Kahnenerbe claims that archaeological evidence indicated that the Kjolsen race had historically resided in eastern Kolus to justify Zokesian expansion into the region. In 2092, the Kahnenerbe became an official branch of the Stahl Sieg and was renamed the "Research and Teaching Community in Ancestral Heritage" (Forschungs und Lehrgemeinschaft das Kahnenerbe).

Following the destruction of traditional Zokesian Stahlsieg organization in the Zokesian Civil War, the Kahnenerbe was rebuilt in Strelkan Suid-Kafrica by Kotter Skorzeny, with the aims of retreiving artifacts of significance for Stahl Sieg study and use. Their notable expeditions is locating and extracting the source of the K-01 virus in Kafrica and the retrieval of classified artifacts from the tunnels discovered in Nuvastia following the Wurm War.

Kotter Skorzeny was the leader of the Kahnenerbe during the Strelkan Crisis and was pivotal in its rebuilding from a propaganda piece of the Stahlpakt to an instrument specializing in retrieval of anomalous and occult artifacts.