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United Federal Republic of Fortis
Савезна Република Фортис (Savezna Republika Fortis)
Republic of Fortis.png
The Three Large Stars of Fortis, Laythia, Troakia, and The Baskay, and the star that unites them, the Pact of Fortis
Motto On the Baskay, We Protect
Common Name Fortis
Anthem Final Pride
Demonym Fortisian
Official languages Veiid Zokesian, Zokesian, Nationalist Troakian, Laythian
Currency Fortis Dollar
Capital Ustioniburg
Government Federal presidential constitutional republic
President Tedior Roovich
Preceded by Laythia and Troakia
Ethnicities Troakian, Laythian, Zokesian, Others (less than 5%)
Population est. 6,000,000 - 6,010,000 , last census 5,995,134
Area ??? km² km²

Fortis, Officially the Federal Republic of Fortis, is a union state formed from the binding of two nations, Laythia and Troakia. Fortis was born from the collapse of Laythia, after the communes began to fail spectacularly, and communalist thought fell out of favor for more moderate democratic ideals. Seeing the oncoming collapse, Troakian and Laythian nationalist leaders, especially those more clued into world politics, saw the writing on the wall. Coming together, they formed the Pact of Fortis, or the Pact of Strength, a unilateral and bi-partisan treaty first allowing for some stabilizing measures in both countries. These measures would eventually come to a head in late 2134, when both nations dissolved their formal and previous governments. This made way for the new nation of Fortis, formed the same year from both countries.


Fortis has a unicameral legislature, modelled off of other past and present Federal Republics, but maintains a very strong "Personal and Individual" attitude towards rights, with local areas receiving a great deal of autonomy, such as the ability to decide at the local level on the legality of Drugs, Alcohol, and other contentious items. There exists a Supreme Court, which decides at the national level on cases that may affect the entire nation, an Executive branch, which includes the President and his cabinet of advisors, and a Senate, comprised of representatives of local provinces, which vote on various national level laws.

At the local level, Provinces maintain a high degree of authority, but can in some cases answer to the Federak Government, such as with the Right to Bear Arms, or the Right to Free Speech and Press.


South Laythia - Bordering the Greater Baskay, South Laythia is also the current seat of the government, with the capital Ustioniburg located on its shores. West Laythia - West Laythia - Neighboring the New Kalban Republic. It is home to a large industrial base that to this day is still recovering from the massive civil wars of the old era. North Laythia - The Northern Province of Laythia. Also contains a fair amount of former Laythian Coastline. Very rural, with most population centers being only medium sized cities. Troakia - The former country of Troakia, now a province in Fortis. West Hook Island - No stranger to the changing of hands, West Hook joined Fortis alongside Troakia, and is responsible for a great deal of Maritime related industry.

Economy and Infrastructure

Fortis is a large manufacturer in the Maritime and Aerospace Sectors, having established itself in very short order as a manufacturer of some of the world's most well known submarines, often times rivalling other world Maritime powers in quality alone. Fortis has also in recent years expanded its rail network, especially freight rail. It also boasts a decently good quality highway network, but many areas still remain connected via local road and street. There are no major subways in Fortis outside of Ustioniburg, but elevated rail and trolley exists in some cities.


The Formation

Laythia, though a powerhouse, found itself stagnant and beginning to see the first stages of collapse in the mid 2100s. Perhaps out of a sense of misplaced pride, many refused to see the oncoming disaster, despite the massive increase in prices on food, housing, and goods. Troakia, a small, usually quiet nation, found its economy suffering due to the linked nature of its southern neighbor, but paradoxically found itself in a position of great negotiating power as a result. After years of bickering, increased tensions, and a rapid descent into a collapsing economical structure, major leaders of both nations proposed a union of the two countries under a new system - a libertarian Federal Republic. Though a surprise move, the communalists of Laythia found themselves in a precarious position. They recognized that regardless of reason, their system was failing. By seeking out the communalist's more libertarian nature, leaders believed they could get their proposal to work, and perhaps to the surprise of many, they were correct. The communalists found themselves disparaged at the idea of a more capitalistic economy, but could not argue that keeping so much autonomy in this proposal was anything other than a boon to them. And so, with the major party that would perhaps be most opposed to this union satisfied, Laythia and Troakia, formed the Pact of Fortis in 2132. Originally, this was nothing more than an economical treaty, and in no way formed a new nation. Few at the time even considered the possiblit of a full union, much less the creation of a new state, but tensions lowered, the economies of both states recovered, and even former ethnic tensions began to dissipate. Two years after the signing of the Pact of Fortis and to surprising applause in 2134, The leaders of Laythia and Troakia formally dissolved their governments, unionizing both countries into the Federal Republic of Fortis.