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National Republic of Dorislav (Before 2156) Dorislav People's Republic (2157-present)

Motto "Fight for the Red Kerbol!"
Common Name Dorislav
Anthem "May the Red Kerbol Be With You!"
Dorislav globe.png
Demonym Dorislavian (common) Dorislavic (rare)
Official languages Novale (main)
Currency Dorislav doriuble
Capital {{{capital}}}
Government Unitary presidential republic (2087-2154) Unitary one-party socialist republic (2155-present)
Foundation 2087 (?)
President Votyakov K. Gennadiyevich (2155 - present)
Ethnicities Novale (dominant ethnic group)


Population 707,320

Dorislav, officially the Dorislav People's Republic, is a country located in Belasira, a region in the continent of Doren. It is bordered by the United Imperial Federation to the south, Halco in the north, and the Halco puppet of Zapoda in the northwest.


The government of Dorislav is made up of a one-party government led by the President, also known as the Premier. The Premier doesn't get voted by people, but rules the country for life, unless he is deemed not a worthy leader, breaks the rules and principles of communism, etc.

Whenever the Premier dies or gets deposed by the state, a private vote is held to select one of the three handpicked individuals to become the new Premier. They are often required to have knowledge in politics, be loyal to the government and the party itself, or haven't made any criticism in the past three months.

Previously, Dorislav was a unitary multi-party presidential republic until the CPD won the 2154 elections.


Provinces are named Dorislavian Socialist Provinces. They have their own government but have partial control. Others are Autonomous Socialist Regions, which includes Zimorian Dorislavian Autonomous Socialist Region, and East Khechen DASR. Autonomous Socialist Regions are reserved for provinces with ethnic minorities making up the majority of the province.

Continuing soon; feel free to edit.