APC-94 Mako

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APC-94 Mako

APC-94 Mako

Armoured Personnel Carrier
National Origin {{{origin}}}
Production History
Service History
Used By {{{operators}}}
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The APC-94 Mako is an Aquarian Armoured Personnel Carrier designed to transport, cover, and provide fire support to up to 6 Marines in different settings using modular components. It was developed by F-Tech from 2069 to 2070, after which it underwent extensive testing in the Bastian mountain ranges.

Production History

Following the overhaul of the Aquarian Army's vehicles, a niche was opened for a cheap troop support craft taking advantage of advancements in networking, integration, and co-ordination. A contract was awarded to F-Tech, who produced 5 prototypes for the MoD for review. The vehicle was the first type to use the AEGIS (Artificial Electronic Guidance and Intelligence System) System, networking all craft equipped to the Vallian AI Ares, allowing for greater comunication and strategic coherency, as well as allowing weapons to be controlled electronically for greater accuracy.



This variant is armed with a turreted Hydra-70 Rocket Pod as its main weapon for use against armoured vehicles threatening troops, as well as a secondary 30mm Chaingun to engage both infantry and light technicals and provide CIWS.


This variant uses a turreted 20mm Vulcan cannon operated by a kerbal as an anti-infantry and CIWS main weapon, with dual AGM-114 Hellfires to engage armoured targets and fortified positions.


This variant is the cheapest available, with no main weapon, using a 30mm Chaingun to engage all targets and fufil the role of CIWS. A heavily modified vehicle of this type is used as an executive transport.