Morser-Class Battleship

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Morser-Class Battleship

National Origin Zokesia
Production History
2124 - 2155
Designer Freetowne Shipyards
Service History
In Service
2126 - Present
Used By Zokesia



The Morser Class is a fleet Battleship of the Zokesian Navy. Designed in cooperation with the Orion and Phoenian Navies, the Morser Class was designed as the central element to a surface fleet strike force - with enough guns to defeat all surface threats while defending itself and friendly fleet carriers from attack with powerful anti-air armament. The namesake of the class was laid down in 2124, and production continued through the late 2130s. In total, 30 were completed before production ended in 2155.


The Morser Class is outfitted with a wide array of weaponry, permitting it to tackle a variety of targets with great proficiency. The hull is characterised by a long, tapered bow and wide amidships. At over 5,000 tons and with a top speed of 80 knots, the battleship can easily keep pace with fleet carriers and make good speed in the battle line, outrunning many battleships of its comparative age. Origionally built with 20 32cm guns in six quad turrets, the Morser underwent a modification in the 2140s to eight 38cm guns, supplemented by eight 20.3cm guns. The primary armament is located on the centerline in front of and behind the amidships superstrucutres, with the secondary armement on either beam. Amidships is the primary anti-aircraft battery, twenty Mk2 "CIWS" Gatling guns for air defense and 4 lasers for missile destruction. The amidships armament was updated over the years to include two dozen 5" rapid-fire dual purpose guns which act as deterrent to smaller craft and swarms against the larger vessel. At the rear, a hangar for aircraft was eventually removed and replaced with a ramp at the fantail for helicopter compliment to support the vessel.

ZNS Baskien after her refit in Crytil.

2145 Refit

In 2148 a major rebuild of all morsers in Zokesia was undertaken. From 2145-2152, all remaining Morser class battleships were given updated twin 38cm gun turrets, additional belt armor, and heavier antiair capacity.

Special Variants

The ZNS Baskien was heavily damaged during fighting with Grestinian terrorists off the coast of Kafrica, and was towed to Crytil for refit. She adopted a more Crytillian-Pagoda style superstrucutre and featured additional armor.

In 2155, to replace the loss of ZNS Kerffinger, the unfinished ZNS Mordekai was rebuilt with an additional 38cm turret and anti-air capability.

Service History

Zokesian Royal navy ships sail past Nautilus en route to engage Gallante surface vessels, 2132.

Nautilus War

With the breakdown of Gaxinia leaving a vacumn of power in the southern Forseti, the nation of Gallante began attempting to exert control over the Nautilus Strait, claiming birthright over the island. When the nations of Zokesia, Eloheim, Orion, and Phoenia voiced objection to Nautilus' integration, Gallante launched a naval invasion which kicked off a four year war. The nations of the Nautilus Security Coalition pushed back the Gallante landings through airstrikes and naval gunfire in 2130. By 2131, the Gallans were kicked completely out of Castana and a naval blockade was established surrounding the nation. The Zokesian Navy, allready expanding at the time of war, exploded threefold in size, and by 2133 had the largest surface fleet on Kerbin. Naval invasions in the southern provinces were initiated by Orion and Phoenia, supported by Zokesian and Eloheim aircraft which fought bloody SEAD missions to rid the mainland of its dense missile batteries. Over 100 Zokesian fighters were lost, but the move forced Gallante off the southern half of the peninsula and peace was finally struck, ending the war in favorable terms to Nautilus and the Security Coalition.

The Zokesian Civil War

Over the course of the next week one by one all 10 active StahlSieg units banded together to pledge allegiance to Reichscommander Studer, who had set up his headquarters in the Surnish province of Juno. Reichscommisariat Juno thus became the “legitimate successor state to the Grailreich” and was declared the Second Reich of Zokesia. The Zokesian Greens mobilized the armed forces but many amongst the ranks had defected along with the Stahl Sieg, and only half the remaining forces could be mustered to defend her interests and now apparent legitimacy. In Sur-Krakain and Forseti the borders, sea lanes, and air lanes were shut off to prevent any and all travel in the hopes of catching Stahl Sieg defectors, but rioting and minor coup attempts were occuring in every city in both of the principalities. Then the news that Schrschnell and the Zokesian Navy had completely defected sounded the first shots of the civil war, as the battleships Morser, Konig, and Notilian sailed past the government house in Ezekielgrad firing high explosive 16” shells onto the city. The fleet then sailed through Nautilus and out into the waters of the Southern Sea, where they were sunk by Orion forces coming to the aid of Zokeisa.

Operation Carolinas

At 00:45 the night of February 12th, 2148, the combined forces of Zokesia, Laveska, and Imperial United Front launched Operation Carloinas, a mission to strike at the island of North Point, Arcadia. The operation was launched primarily from Sur-Krakain, with support from the Combined Fleet, consisting of Belkan, Laveskan, and Phoenian naval assets.

Zokesian Battleships Kerffinger and Rommel bombard shore batteries in North Point. Kerffinger would not survive the battle, sinking just offshore at a lost of nearly 1100 men.

The Morser class battleships Kerffinger and Rommel supported the landing forces on North Point, talking heavy shore fire which saw ZNS Kerffinger sunk with nearly all hands. It was the first loss of a Zokesian Battleship since the CSD blockade of 2090.

After the defeat of the allied combined fleet, the Zokesian battleships Rommel, Kercia, and Osyrus broke off shore bombardment and steamed south to stop the Arcadian navy from preventing the landings, under the umbrella of fighters and anti-ship aircraft from ZNS Emperor Zeroth and INS Fort Grace Zokesian and UIF aircraft then proceeded to hunt and destroy the remaining Arcadian fleets south of North Point in the 2nd Naval Battle of North Point, and the battleships engaged the remaining Natalia-class battleships, sinking three at the loss of three Laveskan destroyers. In 180 air-to-ground and 140 air-to-air sorties, Zokesian and UIF fighters had accounted for four battleships, 110 torpedo boats, ten OPVs, an arkadii-soyuz carrier, and over 110 Arcadian fighters. they had suffered just 20 fighters lost in the process. North Point was securely in UIF hands once again and the pride of the Arcadian navy had been broken.

Ships In Class

BB-28 Treposia, a Block C Morser, 2190
ZNS Obtund (BB-16) and ZNS Enoch Fournloke (FF-133) on fleet patrol
ZNS Elizabeithen (AOE-1) sails in north of Krator, 2185.

Three subclasses of Morser-Class were laid down over its 30 year construction, representing upgrades, system replacements and in some cases major additions to armament or protection. Block B was the first to feature torpedo bulges and the four dual- 38cm turrets instead of 32cm quad turrets. All Morsers in Zokesia were upgraded to Block B in an upgrade package from 2132 to 2136. Block C included additional radar, fire control and torpedo launchers, as well as extensive aircraft support for fleet helicopters landing on the fantail, which was added in the mid-2150s as production ceased. Block D was a service life upgrade plan drawn up in 2182 to extend the life of remaining Morsers and included a new hybrid power plant, reworked electronics suit and anti ship missile capability, augmentation of air defenses through SEARAM and lazer CIWS, increased small arms to deter swift boat swarms, and the complete replacement of turrets A, B, C and D to x3 Triple 42cm guns. As of 2180, Fleet Plan 2210 called for the upgrade of all remaining Morsers to Block D, with 8 having received modernization and a further four under conversion, slated for fleet service in 2207. A final two Morsers sit in ordinary to be used as spare ships in the event of catastrophic damage to active battleships.

Eeloo-Class Fast Combat Support Ship

In 2162, the redundant Morsers laid up in ordinary following the Reclamation war were torn down to be rebuilt as Eeloo-Class Fast Combat Support Ships. These replenishment vessels had their belt armor and weapons stripped and replaced with replenishment cranes and hose systems to assist fast attack squadrons outside of friendly port range. These new Fast Combat Support Ships were the first of their kind in the Zokesian Royal Navy, and served in their role for nearly three decades, until the arrival of the Markus B. Kolsonaro-Class Replenishment Oilers in 2188.

Block A (2126-2129) Commissioned Decomissioned Fate
BB-01 Baskien 2126 2165 Sold to Belka
BB-02 Schrschnell 2126 2165 Sold to Belka
BB-03 Notilian 2127 2142 Sunk during the Stahl Sieg Defection
BB-04 Konig 2127 2142 Sunk during the Stahl Sieg Defection
BB-06 Mörser 2128 2142 Sunk during the Stahl Sieg Defection
BB-05 Kerffinger 2128 2148 Sunk during the Battle of North Point
BB-07 Rommel 2129 - In active Zokesian service
BB-08 Kercia 2129 - In active Zokesian service
Block B (2130-2135) Commissioned Decomissioned Fate
BB-09 Osyrus 2130 2172 Sold to Belka
BB-10 Caligula   2130 2172 Sold to Belka
BB-11 Juno   2131 2188 Sold to Belka
BB-12 Zeus 2131 - In active Zokesian service
BB-13 Mordekai 2131 2188 Sold to Belka
BB-14 Allondra   2131 2168 Sold to Zalkent
BB-15 Blythehria   2132 2168 Sold to Zalkent
BB-16 Obtund 2132 - In active Zokesian service
BB-17 Drekavia   2132 2195 Sold to Arvene, seized by Ilishria 2197
BB-18 Elizabeithen 2132 2192 Converted To Eeloo-Class FCSS in 2162
BB-19 Zweitog 2133 2188 Converted To Eeloo-Class FCSS in 2164
BB-20 Dachland 2133 - In active Zokesian service
BB-21 Prinz Kjolsen 2134 2178 Sold to Eloheim in 2178
BB-22 Cira 2134 2178 Sold to Eloheim in 2178
BB-23 Zokeycirland 2135 2178 Sold to Eloheim in 2178
Block C (2136-2155) Commissioned Decomissioned Fate
BB-24 Geisßelalters 2136 2193 Converted To Eeloo-Class FCSS in 2168
BB-25 Gotterdamerung 2144 2198 Converted To Eeloo-Class FCSS in 2167
BB-26 Inselfrei 2146 2190 Laid up in ordinary, Schrschnell Yards
BB-27 Daimbrudge 2149 2191 Laid up in ordinary, Schrschnell Yards
BB-28 Treposia 2150 - In active Zokesian service
BB-29 Wainright 2150 - In active Zokesian service
BB-30 Kantenring 2155 - In active Zokesian service